Lost In the Moment (Steve/Reader)

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The thing about dating an Avenger is that you could never be sure that the date you scheduled would actually happen. In the beginning, it had annoyed you to no end, the fact that you couldn't make dinner reservations or plan a time to see a movie just because Steve was never quite sure if he'd be on time. After a year, you had gotten used to it and found that you enjoyed the spontaneous dates you went on much more. Instead of going to see the latest blockbuster in theaters, you and Steve would cuddle up on the couch and watch an old movie. Instead of going to the latest restaurant in Manhattan that Tony got you reservations for, the two of you packed a picnic and made a day of strolling around Central Park.

Today was no different than any date. You had both decided to go visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art as Steve loved art and even though you couldn't draw to save your life, you appreciated the people who could.

The buzzer on your apartment rang at precisely 10 am, Steve was on time, as usual. You were running a bit late, also as usual. You press the buzzer as you walk past, trying to find your shoes, "Come on up, darling."

Steve let himself into your apartment just as you finished putting on the shoes you found thrown in the back of your closet. He walks into your bedroom, a teasing smile on his face when his eyes land on you. When you see the look on his face, you scowl at him, "Not a word, Rogers. Not all of us are as perfect as America's Golden Boy."

He ignores your scowl, walking over to kiss you and as always, the kiss made you weak in your knees. You didn't know how people thought this man was a virgin, but you pity the fools who did because this man was far from it, "Good morning doll. Are you ready to go or do you need help finding your phone?"

You huff, trying to push him away from you to no avail, "You're such a jerk, Steven. You would think your mother would have taught you some manners. And no, my phone is right..." you turn to where you had last seen your phone, or at least where you thought you had last seen your phone.

He laughs at your confused face, "You were saying?" You scowl at him as he presses a kiss to your head before walking over to your bathroom. On the counter, as he suspected, sat your phone. He walks back out, handing it to you, "Need help with anything else?"

You open your mouth but close it when you realize you don't have a good enough retort for that, "Let's just go." You weren't really annoyed at him, but Steve Rogers was a little shit and he knew it. He laughs as he follows you out of your apartment, but his laughter died down when you grabbed his hand as you walked towards the elevator at the end of your hall.

Soon enough, you were in the garage, trying to find the car that Steve usually brought with him but you couldn't find it. You turn, about to question him when you see that Steve was standing next to a motorcycle, holding a helmet out towards you, "I figured we could change it up a bit."

You walk slowly up to your boyfriend, eyeing the small bike skeptically, "Will this even be able to hold both of us?" You weren't opposed to riding the motorcycle. You knew there was a certain intimacy that came with it, having to wrap your arms around the driver as to not fall off, it would be nice to be able to do that with him.

Steve looks down at it, patting the handlebar, "She may be small, but she's sturdy. I promise you'll be safe. If anything happens, I give you permission to say I told you so for the rest of your life." He holds out the helmet to you, starting to put on his puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, alright! You don't have to pull those eyes on me." You take the helmet from his hands, trying not to smile. You couldn't lie, you were excited, "If I die, it's your fucking fault."

You place the helmet on your head as Steve climbs onto the bike. You climb on after him, bringing yourself close to his muscular back and wrapping your hands around his slim waist, "Ready?" He turns his head to look at you, a smile gracing his lips. You nod, knowing he could feel it. He turns the key, the bike starting cleanly. Your wrap around his waist tightens as he picks his legs up off of the ground and moves forward. You close your eyes, trying to remind yourself that this was just a bicycle with a motor on it.

You don't open your eyes again until you hear the sound of New York traffic, meaning you made it out of the garage. You look around you as your arms loosen, this wasn't so bad. Actually, it was a lot better than a car. You could interact with the world around you, hear the sounds, smell the air, and see everything much more clearly. You don't close your eyes again, wanting to take in everything you possibly could.

By the time you reached the Met, you found yourself wishing that there was more. That the two of you could just take a ride around the city. Steve helps you off the bike, taking your helmet off of your head, "So, what did you think? Was it as scary as you thought?"

You smile at him as you walk towards the entrance, your hands linked together, "It was actually a lot better than I thought. I think you might have been holding out on me." He opens the door for you and you walk inside over towards the ticket desk, "I'm going to require that after this we just drive around for a while, if you have time."

Steve smiled at you, squeezing your hand tight, "For you, I have all the time in the world."

When your world moves too fast

and you lose yourself in the chaos,

introduce yourself

to each color of the sunset.

Reacquaint yourself with the earth

beneath your feet.

Thank the air that surrounds you

with every breath you take.

Find yourself in the appreciation of life.

-Christy Ann Martine-

Disclaimer: I don't own the MCU. If I did, Clint Barton would be more like he is in the comics.

Title inspired by the song Lost In the Moment by NF ft. Andreas Moss

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