Chapter 3

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My head was pounding, again. The pain however, was a thousand times worse, and it seemed as if my body didn't want me to open my eyes and go through with it. My brain was awake, letting me know what was going on around me, but my body was shut down. I couldn't move or do any type of indication so the persons I knew were surrounding me, knew I could hear their voices.

"I still can't believe I did it again. It's like this girl is a magnet for trouble." A familiar voice whispered, but I couldn't quite point it out.

"Talk about coincidence. Poor girl though, if she didn't have any head trauma the first time, she definitely has some now."

I heard someone gulp and then some movement. "I know," the first mans voice came out in a whisper and I felt eyes on me. "I just hope we aren't too late. I will feel extremely bad if something happens to her, especially because I caused it."

"Pray to the moongoddess that your ma isn't at the castle, or she will have your head."

There was a groan and skin hitting skin, as if someone was giving their face a high five with their own palm. "Oh no. I'm totally screwed then. Do you think mom will let me go live with Aunt Em? At least she has a healer."

"Your Aunt is the queen of vampires. I don't think she has time to take care of her nephew."

There was another groan, and then someone touched my head. The pain intensified times ten, which quickly began to shut down my live brain.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out again was, "I'm sorry."


When I came again, I found out I could move my body this time. My fingers twitched, and my legs moved, causing a small groan to escape from my lips. It felt as if I had been in a single position for too long, and all of my muscles were strained together.

My eyelids peeled open, causing me to quickly shut them again. It wasn't bright, but my eyes weren't used to seeing color again. After a few tries, I managed to keep them open to finally take a look at where I was.

The room definitely did not look like a hotel room. The bed underneath me was comfortable, but not as comfortable as before. A shiny, silver bar caught my attention, and after a few seconds of thought, I knew what type of room I was in.

I was in a patients room.

There was no heart monitor, or IV connected to me, so that didn't help with my search. I was still dressed in the clothes I had been wearing when I left the hotel, and that made me wonder what day it was.

As I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, the door creaked open, startling me. My eyes were wide as a female walked in, her eyebrows furrowing as she looked down at a piece of paper. She sighed, shook her head, and whispered something to herself before she looked up. Her own eyes widened for a few seconds when she saw me up, but then they softened and a smile graced her lips.

"You're up. Are you feeling alright now?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but I found it dry as a desert. The woman noticed, and with unimaginable speed, she whirled around the room, coming to a stop in front of me with a glass of water. I blinked at her rapidly, and slowly took the glass from her outstretched hand. "Err... thanks?"

She gave me another smile and nodded. "You're welcome. Do you have any headaches?"

I shook my head slightly as I continued drinking the refreshing liquid. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and whispered another thanks as she grabbed the glass back from me. "You must be hungry. I'll be back with a-"

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