Chapter 4

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I was bored out of my mind in that room. It hadn't been ten minutes since she left, and I was already planning on leaving when the door slowly cracked open at the same time the person knocked.

"Hi. I come bearing food." I sat up at the same time the woman walked in, a covered plate in her hands and a big smile on her face. Her light brown wavy hair was pulled up into a ponytail, a few strands escaping from its hold, and her hazel eyes were soft. She wore minimal makeup, but it's not like she needed it; this woman was gorgeous, and she held herself up, like royalty.

She placed the tray right in the middle of the bed, and then silently grabbed the single chair in the room to plop herself right next to the bed. She stared at me with a small smile on her face as I stared back at her, before she stood up again, stretching her hand out. "I'm Delilah." I waited for her to continue, but when she didn't, I quickly shook her hand before it became too awkward.


"Oh I know. You don't need to introduce yourself to me, sweetie. You go ahead and eat before your food gets cold and I'll do all the talking."

I slowly picked up the glass of juice that sat on top of the tray and took sensitive sips as she spoke. When my throat begged for more, I started to take bigger gulps.

"Like I was saying, you don't need to introduce yourself, as my grandson already told me all about you." I raised an eyebrow, taking a gulp of water this time as I cleared my throat from the bite of food I had taken. "Xavier. He's my grandson."

Liquid spewed out of my mouth in fine mist as I coughed in surprise. She quickly stood up, patting my back until I could breathe properly again.

"Say what now?" I uttered breathlessly. She stared at me, making sure I was completely fine before she went back to her seat and nodded.

"I'm his grandmother."

"But... but... but you look so young. How can he be your grandchild?"

She laughed as she scratched the back of her neck. "That's a bit complicated to explain. I wouldn't be showing my face if I knew you wouldn't go out there and expose us."

"Umm... I'm a bit confused here. So how old are you if you don't mind me asking..." There was no way she was a grandmother. She didn't look a day over 25, so unless she adopted a person that was around her age as well, there was no way she was a grandmother.

She grinned again. "Would you believe me if I told you I turned sixty two years ago?" My jaw dropped again and she laughed. "I guess not. Hurry up and eat Eva so I can take you on a tour. I love meeting new people, especially at times like these. Alex doesn't want me to head out the palace doors anymore since I look too young to be the former queen. Oh, how I hate lying to the world, but they would bombard us with questions we cannot give the answers to if they still see us looking young."

"Fountain of youth?" I joked and she grinned.

"More like curse of youth." I stared at her wordlessly and she sighed. "Eat. Eat Eva."

I slowly began to stuff the rest of the pasta she brought, and watched as she roamed around the room comfortably, arranging stuff. Once in a while, she would write something down, look towards me, —which made me quickly look away,— and then went back to whatever she was doing. Once I couldn't eat anymore, she dropped the pen in her hand and bounced in spot.

"Great. Up to a tour now, or do you want to wait a few minutes for the food to settle?"

I licked my lips as I nodded. "Quinn told me I will be staying here. Why though? I mean, I'm honored, but I'm pretty sure you have other buildings in this property that I can stay in. I don't want to intrude." I asked as we slowly began to walk away from the room. I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings. Knowing me, I would probably end up in this wing multiple times before my mini vacation ended. I would have time to get to know it then.

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