Chapter 11

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"Please don't," I whispered as I moved my head to the side, avoiding any type of touch from him.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't let any type of emotion come between us. Or any type of emotion to come between me and anyone else. I'll be gone here soon, Xavier. I don't want anyone to be mourning for me once I'm gone." I felt like I was repeating myself over and over again, but each time I said the words, less and less they heard. It's like they blocked out the part of me dying or me being related to anything of death.

"It's too late. You already warmed your way into my family's heart."

I shook my head. "That's not true. It hasn't been that long."

He gave me a small smile as his hand caressed my cheek. Shockingly, I didn't move away. "My family has the tendency of choosing the right type of people to fall in love with now a days. They never make mistakes, and their love for you isn't one."

I sighed as I took a step sideways and began to walk. "You can't just say things like this and expect me to drop everything and stay, Xavier. I had a plan, a life, and it was going great until I met you."

I regretted the words as soon as I said them, and I whirled around to apologize, but he held his hand up. "I understand what you meant. There's no need for you to apologize." His voice was rough though, as if he was controlling the tone he used to speak to me.

My eyes closed automatically as the wind picked up once more, making my hair dance around my face. My hands went up into the air, and I whispered, "Do you feel it? I am the air, I need to be with it."

There was silence as I slowly opened my eyes. His stare was trained to me, and the saddest expression was spread across his face as he continued to watch me walk around him, taking deep breaths.

"So that's it?"

I stopped and looked down at the ground. "Yes," I uttered eventually, but then looked back up and gave him a small smile. "Doesn't mean I can't stop being your friend. You can always join me too, but there can be no hitting me with the doors or anything like that."

The broken laugh that escaped his lips made me smile again, but it quickly dropped. "I... can't."

I nodded in understanding. "Prince duties."




"Then why?" I asked breathlessly and he looked away again. He gave me his back, so I couldn't see his expression as he uttered out some soft words.

"I can't watch you die."

I flinched, but my head nodded automatically. "Oh."

It was silent as we kept our distance. The wind slowed down, and time passed. When my feet began to ache, I sat down and played with the grass around me while he stayed rooted to his spot. Only when my stomach growled did he finally move, but as if he was in a trance. He wasn't himself.

"I should take you home now."

Before I could reply, he turned into his wolf, shredding the clothes he had borrowed. My eyes widened, seeing someone morph into their beast infront of my eyes for the first time, but I wasn't scared.

I was fascinated for some odd reason.

He silently crouched down, and I got into the same position as before. This time, he didn't rush back home; he took his time, letting me enjoy the pace and the world around us. Five minutes later, he slowed down as the walls came into view.

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