Chapter 12

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It had been two days when I had first arrived to Hawaii when I finally caved in. I opened the envelope, and cried again when I saw what was inside. I almost threw it away, but then my broke ass thought about it, and kept the gift card that was nestled inside. It was only when I went to an atm another two days later that my eyes almost fell out of my face when I saw the amount.

10,000.00 available

I had to close out the account, go outside, and breathe before I could get mad. I knew they had planned to give me the card while I was on the plane, knowing very well I would have left it next to them if they had done it while I was leaving. I was tempted on leaving it on the floor or give it to someone else, but everyone knew I needed that money badly.

"Damn you Xavier..." I whispered, as I clutched the card even tighter in my hand. "Why can't you leave me alone?"

Now here I was, a week into Hawaii, and three hundred bucks shorter. The cash I owned before I ever met Xavier was long gone, and I had no choice but to spend some. It felt very wrong, but at the same time I was greatful, or else I would be stuck in the streets, begging.

With the cup of tea in my hand, I sat near the window of the hotel room I was staying at, looking out at the beach. I had just woken up, but all of my energy had been zapped over night for some reason. Getting out of bed took me a good few minutes, and even then, I barely made it to the bathroom before I had to sit down in the toilet and catch my breath. It felt as if I had ran a marathon, and didn't rest for a second.

This is it... I thought as I sighed, and sipped my drink. I could see people walking in the beach, laughing and screaming as they enjoyed the early morning waves. I wish I could have gone and joined them, but fate had other plans for me.

You should have- I stopped my thoughts, my eyes automatically shutting as my mind wandered to the faces I was telling myself I wasn't missing. The wind brought the smell of the ocean, and a bunch of other concoctions, but nothing that I was used to. Nothing that could remind me of... them.

Placing the mug aside, I closed the curtain, and curled into the bed, my appetite long gone. Food wasn't in my mind —even though I knew I should eat since it had been a day since I had last swallowed something— but thinking of eating something had me gagging.

Yup. It's hitting me...

I closed my eyes, expecting myself to sleep a while, but a soft knock had me slowly getting up. A look at the clock told me I had only been sleeping for half an hour, but nonetheless, it felt like a minute.

The knock came again, a bit more persistent this time, and I sighed loudly, finally getting to it. I opened it slowly, my eyes going down to the floor first as they traveled up, and my jaw dropped as I saw who it was.

"Xavier?" I managed to breathe out before everything went black.

*Xaviers POV*

"Why do I feel like she took a piece of me with her?" I whispered to my mom, who sat on her side of the bed, as she brushed my hair with her hands. For some reason, I found myself walking into her room —something I hadn't done in years— yearning for her motherly touch. She didn't hesitate to take her adult son into her arms, kicking her husband out of the room so we could speak.

"Because you love her," she breathed and I rolled my eyes. I felt a smack at my temple, and I hissed, rubbing the spot. "Don't roll your eyes at me boy, but you know I'm telling the truth."

"But how can I love her so quickly? The only type of love I have heard that happens this fast is with mates, and I can't have a mate mother. We can't have mates."

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