Chapter 2

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.:: Hello everyone! I hope you liked my first chapter. I will be updating as soon as i can. I will not have like a schedule so whenever i finish a new part i will add to my lovely story. Feel free to leave comments. Just as a warning. Capitalizing words are not a priority for me. Maybe later on i will go back and edit it but for now you'll just have to deal. Also i would love to know who you picture plaing Abigayle or as her friends call her Abi? Or Clare and Casey? Let me know!!!! Talk to you later loves. XOXO::.

I instantly feel butterflies in my stomach at Ayle's assumption. I couldn't have found my mate. I'm with Casey. But i do have to admit things have been pretty off with us lately. No. No. I did not find my mate this isnt happening, walk away from the enticing scent. Abigayle Rebeca Marks, walk your cute little butt out of this mall and into your car right now.

Please stay. Find him. Ayle tells me. But i can't. I'm only brought back reality with a Clare dragging me out of the mall.

"What is up with you? I was calling your name and you weren't answering me." Clare says with a look of concern.

"I'm fine. Let's go."

It takes us about 10 minutes to get back to my house and I'm already missing that scent. I'm thinking too much about him to notice that Casey and Molly are in the backseat awfully quiet. I occasionally will hear a giigle slip out of Molly's mouth but then the car returns to silence. Pulling into the driveway, i see Lan talking to Jaxin, my dads third who is in charge of security. I mind linked my mother in the car telling her that Molly was with us so that she could tell Jaxin to lighten up on the security. Molly doesn't know our secret and we all would like to keep it that way. We don't like telling humans about us because there's a possibility that they won't except us and will try to get rid of our kind. The only time we tell a human what we are is when one a werewolf finds its mate to be a human. Molly thinks Lan is my uncle, which he kind of is, i mean the man has been around my entire life so it just made sense to tell her he was when she asked.

We all jump out of my car and head into my house. My friends head to the living room while i go to the kitchen to grab some snacks. Once my arms are full i walk back to the living room to find that my friends have moved the coffee table and our laying out a blanket on the floor. Clare is tossing pillows to Molly, who positions them just right. I set the snacks down on the coffee table and pick a movie that we all love and put it in the player. i grab the remote and hop up on the couch with Clare right by my side. Casey is on the floor with his resting almost in my lap so that i can play with his hair while watching the movie. Molly is to his right and Clare is currently french braiding her flaming red hair. My dad walks in right as the previews start.

"Hey kids." He says with a warm smile.

"Al-Sir. It's nice to see you." Casey says nervously. Casey has known my dad for his entire life and everytime he sees my dad he acts this way. I used to think it was cute but today its just irritating.

"I'm very well Casey. Thank you." My dads reply eases Casey's nerves and i feel him relax instantly.

"Hi. Mr. Marks." Clare and Molly say at the same time.

"Ladies." He says with a smile. "Abigayle could i speak with you for a moment?"

"Absolutely." I hop off the couch and follow my father out of the room. "What's up?" I ask.

"Is everything alright? I sense that something's wrong. Are you feeling okay?" He asks in his concerned fatherly tone.

"Yeah Dad, I'm fine." I say reassuring him.

"Okay. Now what's this i hear about a party?"

"It's nothing just the pack and a few friends from school going to the pack house for a bonfire. One last summer shin-dig." I say. I see this look on his face that practically screams *not gonna happen*. "Please daddy?" I ask with my perfected puppy dog eyes. He always gives in when i give him puppy dog eyes.

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