Chapter 11

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Abigayle's P.O.V.

Grayson pulls me in for a hug. "I am so sorry Abi. My guys were on patrol and the guard fell asleep. I am so sorry this is all my fault."

"Hey, it's not your fault. Okay? We'll be fine. I'll be fine. Can we talk about something else?" I ask trying to change the subject so that i do not have a panic attack. "Lets talk about the fact that tomorrow is my birthday and you are coming to our pack gathering. My dad is going to make me Luna. Isn't that great?"

"Abi that's awesome! I am so happy for you. Of course i'll be there, i wouldn't miss this." He grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. We walk into the kitchen to see Clare running around in circles flipping pages in hundreds of magazines. "You should go help her."

"I really don't want to meet bridezilla today." I say. He gives me a smirk and pushes me towards her.

"Abi perfect, i need your help. Can you start looking through these magazines." She hands me a stack of about 50. "I want you to find anything that looks rustic, but elegant at the same time. Also-"

I interrupt her. "Clare, slow down. I will help you but i can't today. I need to prepare myself for tomorrows gathering. And so should you."

Her eyes widen, looking from me to Grayson. "It's tomorrow? Are you ready?" I give her a nod and i thought i saw Grayson nod as well, but I'm not sure.

Grayson's P.O.V.

Her eyes widen, looking from Abi to me. "It's tomorrow? Are you ready?" I know this message is meant for me but Abi doesn't know that, she nods and so do i. I am ready for what I'm planning. I'm sure of it. "Well come on, we need to figure out what you're going to wear, what you're going to say. Wait, what am i going to wear and what am i going to say? Do i have to say something?" I hear Clare say as Abi pulls her upstairs. I look over at Jace who is still staring up at where the girls have gone. We hear Abi's door shut and Jace directs his stare at me.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He asks me. I nod back at him. "This is big Grayson. I'm so happy for you."

"I'm a little nervous." I admit.

"You'll be fine." He tells me. I hope he's right.

The next day came quick. I stayed with her again last night, but woke up to find her already out of bed and getting dressed. The gathering was at 5 tonight, but Abi was so nervous about today. So was i. If only she knew what was about to happen.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

The gathering is today. I become Luna today. Clare becomes Beta today. Could there be anything else that would make today more stressful? Clare and i stayed up late last night practicing a speech, and picking out an outfit for me to wear. I am so nervous. What if the people don't like me? What if they don't approve of Grayson? Grayson. He looks so cute in my bed. If only he could be there every morning. Honestly, I'm excited for Clare and Jace, but i can't help but be a bit jealous. I want to be tied to Grayson in every way possible too. What is he waiting for?

Grayson's P.O.V.

I sense Abi staring at me, and i open my eyes. She is staring at me but her mind is somewhere else. I know because i can hear her. My heart flutters when she says she wants to be tied to me every way she can. A smile forms on my face when i realize how impatient she is. This girl will be the death of me, i know it. She is my everything and i plan on letting everyone know that tonight.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

The day goes by in a flash, with everyone around me running around trying to prepare for tonight. Finally it is 5 o'clock and i am being rushed up to my room to get ready. Clare and my mother are doing my hair and make up. I have already gotten dressed in high waisted jeans, a "The 1975" crop top, a red plaid long sleeve that has been tied around my waist, combat boots with red plaid that match my shirt, and various pieces of jewelry. I have already told Clare and Mother that i will wear what i want, i am not going to pretend to be someone else. My hair is curled to perfection and Clare has given me a natural, not too feminine look. Clare is dressed in high waisted light wash jeans, a blue 1993 cropped sweater, white rubber boots, and a white flower crown. Before i know it we are out of the car and walking through the front doors of the pack house. We take our seats at the head table and wait for the rest of the pack to arrive. Grayson and Jace make their way to our table and take their seats beside us. People start piling into the pack house, family by family and soon everyone is here. My pack is sitting in front of me. The food is served and everyone is enjoying their steak and mashed potatoes. When dinner is done, my father stands up and silences the room.

"May i have your attention. Today is a special day for my family and i, and it will also be a special day to you as well. 18 years ago, my wife Alexia, had a daughter. Abigayle will you please stand up?" Everyone in the room has their eyes on me. I stand up next to my father looking out at the pack. "Today, Abigayle will become your Luna." The sound of clapping fills the room.

Breathe Abi, breathe. Ayle reminds me. I look down at Grayson who looks just as nervous as i am. He looks up at me and gives me a smile that i can tell he's hiding behind. Soon the clapping stops and i turn to face my father.

"Abigayle Rebeca Marks, do you solemnly promise to look after this pack, to put their lives before your own, and protect them from harm?" He asks.

"I do Father." I say.

"And do you Abigayle, promise to use your rights as Luna of the Night Watchers for good and only good?"


"Then I, Alpha Alistair Robert Marks, make you, Abigayle Rebeca Marks, the Luna of our pack." He touches my nose with his finger, and feeling of power washes over me. I am the Luna of the Night Watchers. I am finally Luna. I smile, and applause erupts. "Now Abigayle, you must choose a Beta. Someone to stand beside you and help you with the pack. Someone to watch over us if you must be away."

I look at Clare who is grinning back at me, and then i look at Casey who gives me a shy smile. My choice is easy but i feel bad for Casey who has always planned on being my Alpha. Now he gets nothing. I smile at him before speaking. "I choose Clare Anabelle Hawk to be my Beta." I feel Grayson relax beside me and see his relief. He must have thought that i had changed my mind. Clare stands up next to me and gives me a hug. Her father Lan, my fathers Beta, steps in front of her with tears in his eyes.

"Clare Anabelle Hawk, do you promise to look over the pack, put their lives before your own, protect them from harm, but most importantly do you promise to protect your Luna with your life?" Lan asks her.

"Yes, i do." She says. Lan then touches her nose and i see her tense and then relax.

"Grayson Adam Silverman, can you please stand as well." My dad says. I look to my father first and then Grayson confused. What's going on? "Grayson Adam Silverman, is it true that you are Abigayle's mate?" Grayson nods and my father continues. "Do you promise to protect our pack, but most importantly my daughter and our Luna with your life?"

"Forever." Grayson says.

"And always." I whisper. Grayson smiles at me.

"If she'll let me. Abigayle Rebeca Marks, you are the love of my life and there is no one i would rather spend all of my time with for the rest of my life." He gets down on one knee and pulls out a velvet box. He opens it and shows me the most beautiful diamond ring i have ever seen. "Abigayle Rebeca Marks, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I inhale sharply and feel my cheeks turn a deep red. "Grayson Adam Silverman, it would be my pleasure to be your wife." I say smiling down at him. He stands up and i jump into his arms. He spins me around in a circle before kissing me. The pack claps loudly and for a long time. But i barely hear them because one thought keeps running through my mind.

I am going to be Abigayle Rebeca Silverman, Luna of the Night Watchers and the Moon Howlers.

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