Chapter 17

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.:: Hello everyone! So this book is coming to an end. I know i'm sad too. BUT.... there will be a second book! Yay! Haven't thought of a title yet but when i do i will let y'all know! Please vote, comment and share! Happy reading. Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Grayson's P.O.V.

"Jace? Hey buddy, you in there?" I ask as i knock on the door. A very cheerful Jace opens the door.

"Good morning Grayson. How are you? I'm great. Today i get to marry the greatest woman in the world. I'm not nervous, why would you ask such a ridiculous question? Pffft." Jace says all in one breath.

I chuckle at him, which gets me a punch in the shoulder. "Dude, calm down. You'll be fine. You get to marry the love of your life in a few hours. Plus if you embarrass yourself there's an 80% chance that she'll stay with you." I give him a toothy grin.

"Asshole."Jace mutters as he tries fixing his tie.

"You need help?" I point to his failed attempt at tying it. He nods. I walk in front of my best friend and begin to properly tie his tie. "In all seriousness, congratulations bro. You are one lucky guy."

"Thanks Grays." He looks at himself in the mirror. I stand beside my Beta looking at our reflection. Jace was more of a brother to me than my actual brother. I was happy for him, and a tad bit but jealous, but i would never admit that to anyone. I haven't seen Abi all day and i was starting to go crazy. "Go. Go see her." Jace says patting me on the back. "Use protection!" He yells as i close the door. Asshole. I start walking downstairs towards the kitchen when i see her. Her back is to me, but i know that she looks absolutely stunning in her black bridesmaid dress. Her blonde curly hair covering her back. I hear her gorgeous laugh and start walking towards her. I pull her away from the group of people she was talking too and into the downstairs closet.

Abigayle's P.O.V.

"You don't know?" My mother asks me.

I shake my head at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Abi, how have you been feeling lately?" She asks me.

Honestly i have been feeling very worn down. I'm always tired and i have been feeling quite sick to my stomach for a couple of weeks now. But instead of tell her that i say, "Fine."

"Abigayle Rebeca Marks, don't you lie to me.I can tell that you're lying." She says, raising her voice a little.

So i tell her how i've been feeling and a huge grin crawls on to her face. "Abi, i know that you and Grayson are you know, sexually active, but do you always use protection? You can tell me sweetheart."

"MOM! Oh my Moon Goddess, yes we do."

"Every time?" I nod. "You're sure?" I think about it this time. Every time we have been careful. Always using contraception. Except for the first time. Our first time. My first time. He took a condom out but he never got around to actually putting it on. We were in the heat of the moment, and it didn't seem to be a priority. My mother notices that i have came across a time that we were not careful, but what does it matter? "Abi. I think you're pregnant. Actually i know you are, i can sense that there is more than just your wolf inside you." I look at her questioningly. "Luna powers." She answers my non-verbal question. Pregnant. I can't be pregnant. Not after the first time. That would mean that I'm three months pregnant. I'm not showing am i? I begin to panic a little. I excuse myself and leave my mother with Clare. I head downstairs and into the kitchen. I am approached by the Lynches. I used to babysit their daughter a few years back. We get caught up in our conversation, remembering things that had happened while i was babysitting. The thought of my pregnancy was pushed from my mind, and found myself smiling and laughing. Then two arms grabbed me by the waist. The electricity that flowed from their touch only could mean that it was Grayson who was pulling me away. He dragged me into the downstairs closet, shut the door and turned the light on.

"I missed you." He said giving me a quick kiss.

"I missed you too. How's Jace?" I ask him.

"He's absolutely perfect. Clare?"

"She has never been happier. She's getting dressed as we speak." I look at the watch on my wrist and back to Grayson.

"We don't have to go." He says. "We could always just stay here, and skip the wedding." He says with a smirk.

"Grayson we can't skip the wedding." I say hitting him on his chest. "There's actually something i want to tell you, i-"

"Uhh, can it wait Princess? Jace is freaking out right now because I'm not by his side." He says apologetically. I nod. "I love you Abigayle." He gives me a deep. passionate kiss, making me want to take him up on his offer of skipping the wedding.

"I love you Grayson."


"And always." At that he kisses my forehead and steps out of the closet. I didn't tell him. I can't believe i didn't tell him. Maybe it's best if he doesn't know yet. Who am i kidding? He needs to know.

Two hours later, the new Mr. and Mrs. Toms, walk down the aisle hand in hand. I have to hold back tears. I am too emotional, i do not like all of these emotions. I walk over to the newlyweds and hug both of them. "Congratulations you two!I am so happy for you. Have you seen Grayson?" Both of them shake their head no. Hmmm. Where is my mate?

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