Chapter 19

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.:: Hello everyone! This is the second to last chapter of Please. :( Not to worry, there will be a second book.  I plan on starting it tonight. Follow me and vote, comment and share! Happy reading! Talk to you later loves. XOXO ::.

Grayson's P.O.V.

I swear i have been in this part of the woods at least five times already. How can i be so lost? I never get lost. I mind-link Jace. "Dude I am so lost. Which way back to the pack house?"

"North. Where have you been dude? Abi has been looking everywhere for you." He says.

"I went for a run i'll be there in 20."

I cut the mind-link and head towards the house. My mind goes back to what Abi was trying to tell me in the closet. What was it she was trying to tell me? I'll have to ask her about it when i get back. I can't stop thinking about Abi as i run. My precious, gorgeous Luna whom i love with my whole heart.

Clare's P.O.V.

I have never been more happy in my life. I got to share my special day with all my friends and family. Especially Abi. She's my best friend and i am so happy for her. I don't know how she didn't know she was pregnant, but if she didn't know than Grayson definitely doesn't know. I almost let the good news slip to Jace, i feel bad keeping something from him but it isn't my news to share. Speaking of Abi, i haven't seen her in hours. Where did she go? My worry is short lived because Jace comes up behind me and wraps me in a bear hug. "You look beautiful Mrs.Toms." Jace tells me. I smile back at him.

"Thank you Mr.Toms." I stand on my tip toes to kiss him. The tingles that run from my lips to my toes are incredible. I love him so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life as Mrs. Toms, Beta. Beta. Alpha. Abi. Where did she disappear to?

Abigayle's P.O.V. 

Cal. The devil himself is standing in my room. Grinning. Why is he grinning? "Cal what are you doing here?" I asked him again.

"Well you see Abigayle, i just couldn't stay away from you, love muffin." He reaches towards my face and rubs the back of his hand across my cheek. It leaves a burning sensation behind and i flinch against his touch.

"Don't touch me." I growl.

That causes a smirk to form on his face. "But why? Don't you feel that?" He says, stroking my cheek again.

Before i think about it, i punch him in the face. He stumbles to the ground. He looks up at me, trying to balance himself on one knee. "You really shouldn't have done that." He tells me.

"Why? You'll never hurt me. Not while Grayson's here. You might be his brother, but I'm his mate and he will protect me."

Shock was the only expression present on his face. "He told you?"

"Of course he told me. And honestly i don't understand. He's your brother, why do you want to hurt him so much?" I ask.

"He told you about Dad right?" I nod. "Well then you know. My father chose perfect little Grayson over me. Grayson was always the favorite. Mom loved him more, Dad loved him more and even now, everyone loves him. Well not me. No one even knows about me. The only people who know of me are Grayson, You, Jace and Mom and Dad, and they sure as hell won't be talking any time soon." At that i slapped him. I didn't mean to, i actually feel bad for him. He's always been neglected which is why he's so angry. No one deserves that. I look just as shocked as he does.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean that. I-" He puts his hand up.

"Save it." He interrupts. "You know, i see what my brother sees in you. You're feisty , i like it. I think we'll be very happy together."

"Excuse me?" I choke out.

"You heard me. The Moon Goddess can not take you from me. Now that i have you, i will never let you go." He grabs my wrist, and puts his other hand over my mouth. I bite his hand and kick him in the groin before making a run for it. I reach the bottom of the stairs when he grabs me again. This time he knocks me out.

I wake up in my room. Its quiet. Everyone must have left already for the party at Grayson's. I sit up. But there is a pounding in my head that causes me to lay back down. It all comes back to me now. Cal. I look around the room, I'm alone. I climb out of bed and get dressed in leggings and my Green Day t-shirt. I throw on a huge pink cardigan because it is really cold. I decide not to go to the party, I have a massive headache and i am really tired. I go downstairs and grab some leftover chicken wings from the fridge, warm them up and go into the living room. I sit down on the couch with a blanket and turn the tv on. I flip through the channels until i come across Mean Girls. I love this movie. I finish the chicken and get up to pee. I walk back to the living room and see a blonde sitting on my couch. A deep hearty laugh comes from the intruder and i gasp. Before i can scream for help, he approaches me and covers my mouth, shushing me. Grayson's words run through my head. "He won't stop. Cal won't stop until he has what he wants. And my brother wants you." At the time i didn't believe him. But with Cal standing in front of me again tonight, i can see that Grayson was right. He won't stop. Ever.

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