Ch.2 Family guards

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~POV (Y/n)~

Body guards?! Psh~ I can break through them. I got up from my seat to go into the hall and blocked the way of the group with Nevaeh, Francis, Alfred and Gilbert. "Hey slut whats up with the new b*tches? How much did she pay you to be with her?" I asked with my arms crossed.

All the 2ps looked surprised then looked at Lilo, who was looking down, then looked back at me with significantly darker eyes. "Francios, long time no see, I see you have no sense of fashion." Francis says.

'Francios' just looked at him and grunted. They tried to walk pass us but we continued to block the way. "Excuse me we have to go to the office the principle is waiting." Lilo said quietly.

It's been so long since I heard her voice.


"Like we would take orders from you" Nevaeh said.

"Yo, pork chop, still hamburgers everyday of your life?" the Alfred-look-a-like said with a smirk and was protectively in front of Lilo.

"No one insults schizzare (Italian: Squirt). Ever." Said a scary Italian.

He brought out a knife and was aiming at me. I froze but Lilo moved in front of him. She did a sway hand motion all the other 2ps looked horrified and closed their eyes. The Italian slowly closed his eyes and was falling to the floor while mumbling "merda" (Italian: Sh*t). The German caught the smaller Italian and picked him up. "Sorry for Luciano. We should get going." Lilo said looking down. With that they walked passed us and I was petrified.

"Dudette you okay?" Alfred asked.

I gained my composure and smirked. "Yeah man, but now our punching bag has body guards."

"I've never seen Luciano just fall asleep in the middle of a stabbing." Gilbert says.

"So those were the 2ps you guys are talking about?" I say as we waved to Nevaeh and head to our homeroom.

~Time skip~

Lunch, finally. I just got my lunch as the 2ps walked in. The girls fawned over them as they walked by to reach our table. I hear footsteps stop by our table and I say "May I help you?"

"Oh wow feisty, I like feisty, but not when they hurt my squirt. I'm Allen Jones but I know you know who or more like what we are yes?" He said.

They all introduced themselves. You can easily pinpoint who's 2p was who's. "Stay away from Lilo" James said.

"What makes you think I would do that?" Gilbert said getting up in James' face.

"*sigh* *Mumble*this is getting harder to control the situation. Listen, poppet, we don't want any trouble we just want to protect her." Oliver said.

"HA!" I started laughing this caught the attention of everyone. "You believe she's really like that, she's going to keep secrets and you won't trust her anymore. So you might as well get rid of her now before she breaks you" I said looking at them.

Someone pounded their hand on the table silencing the entire cafeteria I looked at Allen in the eyes. All of the 2p's eyes darken significantly. "Listen here you b*tch! Firstly, I don't know who you think you are but you don't insult Squirt like that! I don't know what she did to you or what you made up but she would never do that! Secondly, have you met the kid she apologizes to inanimate objects for accidentally hitting them!"

"Then where is she now! Huh! Where! Is! She!" I yelled losing my temper.

"In the music room with Au-Roderich and Elizabetha. She said they had a project together." Gillen answered coolly.

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