Ch.7 Just a little fun

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  ~POV (Y/n)~

"We got this. We can do this." I mumble to myself.

"We'll be fine dudette. Look out at this way. We are one step closer to getting everyone back." Alfred said by my side.

We were all bundled up or well the people who needed bundling. One step closer. "Over here!" Lilo yelled waving to us.

The all had skates for us and we walked to the ice rink. It was completely empty. It's a Sunday it should be full of people. "Why is it so empty?" Francis asks.

"James knows a guy" Francios answered back.

Lilo plays music and we all get on the ice.

I, along with other people were struggling. Lovino wouldn't let go of the wall as Antonio wouldn't let go of Lovino. Kiku, Ivan, Matthew, Francis and Gilbert were doing fine considering they were winter counties. Yao grabbed on to Kiku, taking over his personal space. Alfred and Arthur was holding on to me and we were all shaking. Feli was doing just fine and was trying to drag around Ludwig, who was shaking violently. Everyone else was going fine. Considering they come here a lot.

Lilo was with Allen when she spotted me. She whispered something in his ear and he looked doubtful but came to us anyway. Allen grabbed Alfred off of me as Lilo grabbed Antonio and Arthur. I almost fell back but James caught me. Flavio grabbed Lovino, much to his dismay, and Luciano had gotten Ludwig out of Feli's grip. Slowly we were all getting better. Antonio and Arthur were both blushing due to Lilo holding their hands. Dark auras could be felt from Kiku and Ivan who was also following them, with Yao in tow.

I watched as Lilo took pictures of everyone whether it was posing dramatically or falling down on our butts. I smiled at her, I remember her taking that camera with us everywhere. "Ah, so you can smile" said a low voice beside me.

I look up to James and tilted my head in a confused manner. "What do you mean? Of course I can smile" I said getting a little defensive.

"Every time I see you you always have a frown or a smirk. Never a genuine smile." He says looking straight ahead.

"I guess you're right but I don't get why you guys would let us join you all of a sudden" I replied.

"We would do anything for her" he said looking at Lilo.

"I used to be like that too" I said sadly.

"You know this kinda reminds me of the time I actually got to know her." He said.

I look at James and I could tell through his sun glasses he had a proud look in his eyes. "Allen said that all you guys see Lilo as your light, why?"

He mumbled something along the line of 'can't keep his mouth shut' then sighed. "When Allen brought Lilo back to our place one day the only other person who approved was Oliver but his was still skeptic. Over time she grew on everyone in their own way but I was still left out of the group."


~POV James~

Age: 12

I was sitting with Kuma as I watched everyone surround the young 12 year old girl. I don't see anything special about her. She is not exactly cute nor pretty for her she. She even got Francios and Victor to fawn over her. I watch silently and she looks over at me. She looks as if she's asking about me because they all looked at me. They talk back and she nods but continues to looks at me. I close my eyes to kind of mentally get out of this place. I was clam until a shadow blocked my light. "May I help you?" I ask in a child tone as I open my eyes.

The 12 year old girl stood there. The rest looked at me and her in worry. "Do you want to come join us?" her soft voice said.

I ignored her and closed my eyes once more. I got tired if hearing taking so I went out to hunt for poachers. I had left Kuma because I wanted to be alone. After a while I got tired hunting but not only hunting. I was tired of living. I was tired of living in my 1ps shadow and having to do all the dirty work. I have nothing against him, it's just, complicated. I was ready to die. I got my gun and was ready to die I was just about to pull the trigger when I heard "STOP!!! PLEASE!!!" I turned to see the small girl running towards me.

She tackles the gun out of my hand and hugged my much bigger body. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you feel like you had to kill your self" she sobbed into my flannel.

I was taken back. This little girl, that I don't even know the name of, was willing to save my life. "Hey it's not your fault, shorty. Did you follow me?"

"I saw you were going out alone so I followed to find you here about to shoot your self." She cried out.

"It wasn't you, I just had complicated feelings."I said with a sigh.

We sat there for a while and she finally asked. "Do you want to talk about out?" She asked.

I nodded slightly and she stood up and raced a hand out for me. I took it as she led me. "Where are we going, shorty?"

"Ice skating. Oliver said you liked hockey and since I can't play hockey we will go ice skating and my name is Lilo not shorty."She says.

We go to a skating rink with not that much people in it. We talked about my problems and laughed about her falling all the time. We took a selfie to remember the moment and that's when I thought to my self. I have never felt this alive before. And it was because of her. She may be a mere human but I don't want to see her die. I will protect her until she leaves.

When I got home with Lilo they asked where we went. We looked at each other and said "To have a little fun"

~Flashback end~

~POV (Y/n)~

"Every since then when we had time we would come to this rink and just skate our problems out" James finished. "I don't know everyone else story but that's mine"

"So that's why it's this specific skating rink" I mumbled to myself.

"Well since I told you my story. Tell me stuff about your self."

"Well I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I am the younger twin sister of Lilo Yoso. I like food, art, and communication."I said a little unsure.

I look at him and he still doesn't look at me in the eyes. "You know the day she came crying to our house I wanted to murder you." He says honestly "I still do at sometimes"

I froze in somewhat fear. "Not like short stack would let me but talking to you now. You don't seem like that person to hate on her. So why did you do it?" He asked.

I sighed and said "We never had any parents. It has always just been me and her. We told each other everything. We were stuck by the hip even if we were exact opposites. I looked up to her. She was so reasonable. The day I found out she was keeping secrets from me, I felt betrayed. My anger built up from there. I saw her and I had to lash out on something or someone. I had a habit of finding her when I was mad. Since she caused my anger and always helped me with it I thought I could take it out on her."

I looked at her taking Alfred how to stake easier. He almost fell causing him to grab on the closest thing to home which happened to be Lilo. Grabbing her caused her to jump back a little out of fear but asked it anyway. She steadied Alfred and helped him skate. At a point they both fell. They looked at each other and laughed. "That's the hardest she has ever laughed in a while" James said looking at her too.

"Look kid, she may have secrets but sometimes your going to have to trust her. She usually does this for our own good."

I nod. I still don't like it but I hope I could understand one day. I'm going to make things right again. But lurking in the shadows was a certain blond jealous of the attention a certain girl was getting.

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