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What made things worse is going to a get together at Tyler's when he and Craig weren't really on speaking terms, Anthony the stoner was there, not to mention Evan who seemed to be perfectly fine with smelling of weed but never actively smoking it and everyone noticed the one, massive hickey he had on his neck. He hadn't even noticed himself.

How drunk had he been last night?

Of course, he couldn't answer their questions so he evaded them. John went into the kitchen to make his hangover worse when he happened 'tis ee something he hadn't expected to see. It was Brock and Brian, deep in a kiss. John did a 360 out of there, as he suspected he had seen something he shouldn't have seen, but smiled to himself all the same.

The group dispersed to leave Craig and Tyler alone after an hour.

Nogla: Lucas can we see yer neck

Kryoz: it's a trap don't do it

Terroriser: fucking killjoy ^

Smii7y sent a picture to the chat

Vanoss: you know, your boyfriend has nice lips even if I can't see the rest of his face

Kryoz: boyfriend??

Smii7y: boyfriend?!

Kryoz: u??

Smii7y: me??

Mini: damn john what I'm looking at looks like a punishment 😂

Kryoz: why are you assuming it's me that did it

Panda: uh idk, you're the whore of the chat?

Smii7y: ok, we are actually dating

Kryoz: Yh we're very unhappy and I want a divorce even tho we're not even married yet

Smii7y: shut up

Kryoz: okay baby

Mini: AWW

Moo: I knew it

Wildcat: wait Vanoss is gay

Lui: how did you even get here? weren't you awol and left the chat?

Panda: uhhh Lui? shhh

Lui: o did I just

Smii7y: who is Lui

Wildcat: Nogla's fuckboi

Nogla: no that was ages ago

Wildcat: what

Kryoz: what

Meanwhile, Lucas' parents had gone away for the weekend as his father had managed to get a place in some fancy hotel somewhere. Whatever they were planning to do whilst they were there, ew, but Lucas thought it would be a good opportunity to sneak John into the house.

John was sceptical at first, and kept asking him questions to make sure his parents wouldn't just waltz in. He would joke about not being able to jump through windows either. Lucas rolled his eyes and got them some snacks from the cupboards before they sat down and watched TV. Lucas would always feel more comfortable in his own home, and as they watched a movie, his thoughts began to wonder to whether he and John would eventually live together, properly.

God damn, his face turned red.

When Lucas suggested that John see his room, he realised that he had dropped himself in it. John came in, picking up some of his photos and smiling to himself. There were some pictures of an actual Kid Lucas, which he enjoyed teasing him about. Then there were pictures of him and John in his draw next to his bed, which warmed the blond to his core. Lucas had gone to the toilet for a moment and came back, a little nervous because he had never brought anyone back to his room.

Daydreams of Krii7y [completed]Where stories live. Discover now