30 [end]

342 25 17

⚠️ recreational drug use
⚠️ mentions of past domestic abuse

it's the last one lads, I'm sorry, but it had to come to an end at some point. It's been a ride :)

stands at over 3000 words and I'm happy with it? ig? Or not, because It's ended? idek

Graduation finally came around, and Lucas was so nervous and so freaked out and so worried about the future that he refused drinks that Sage had managed to sneak in with a flask. He figured now was not the best time to be sober, plus, he couldn't even speak to Sage right then and there, he was fuming. He liked to think he was a forgiving person, but he couldn't ever forgive Sage for the lie he'd told. To Sage it might have been just one little white lie, but that white lie had almost ruined his whole relationship and his friendships. He'd ignored his boyfriend's and his friends' advice completely in a bid to stick up for Sage.

And he figured, what did that matter anymore? It seemed as if his trust was being betrayed left, right and centre and he couldn't be bothered anymore. His name was going to be called out soon, and from where he was sitting, he couldn't see his parents, but he knew they were there. As angry and as emotional and as upset and as confused as they were about his bulimia, they were there, and he was thankful for that.

As for John, he couldn't see him (at least from where he was sitting). He wanted him to turn up, of course he did, but if he did, he hoped it wouldn't be a frosty reception. Anxiously, he started counting backwards from a hundred inside his brain. Eli noticed his shaking knee and gently slammed a hand down on it to stop it. Lucas thanked him and tried to calm himself down a little.

"He loves you, he'll show," Jay assured him, squeezing his arm to give him that reassurance.

Lucas blushed, feeling comforted by his friends. Sage, sat two seats from him, just scowled at them. Lucas rolled his eyes because at least that wretched boy would be really hard to ignore, after that day he would never have to see him again.

It made Lucas feel a little flustered, watching Jay and Eli. They weren't together, and he was sure that they didn't know their feelings for one another, but he had to get them together somehow. It had been ages, in fact, too long. Lucas figured at least if he couldn't find love, then his friends would, and that would make him feel a little less sorry for himself. He felt as if what had happened between him and John was entirely his fault, and he concluded himself as the one entirely to blame.

Still, thoughts were racing in his mind and he had worked himself into a right state, convinced himself that his boyfriend would never show. Eli saw how much he was worrying and gently nudged Jay. Lucas couldn't stop thinking how much he'd messed up his relationship, and whether it could be salvaged at all.

"For what it's worth, Sage is an asshole," Eli assured him.

Taking a deep breath, Lucas couldn't agree with him more. Upon exhaling, as nice as the cheering him up was and making sure that he was okay, it didn't change anything between him and John. And, despite all John had warned him about that boy, he couldn't understand how Sage had kept up with that lie for so long.

"And Toby keyed his car," Jay whispered in his ear, making Lucas laugh.

It sounded like something that Toby would do. As rough and as crazy and as violent as the Kiwi would be, he was still a good friend and he liked having him on side. Besides, he couldn't imagine what life would have been like if he'd gotten on the wrong side of him. His smile still quickly turned into a frown, and the thoughts came back again. That was when Jay and Eli realised their efforts were failing, and there was only so much they could do.

"I never thought he'd be capable of doing something like this," Lucas tried to justify his worry.

Jay leaned back in his seat, he watched as the crowd roared with applause at the next name that was read out. Their time was soon, though, he put an arm around Lucas to show him some support.

Daydreams of Krii7y [completed]Where stories live. Discover now