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⚠️ violence
I've got a plan here and I warn you just be prepared lmao

It must have been noon when Lucas woke up with a start, completely forgetting where he was. He fished for his phone and was shocked when he looked at the time, for school started hours ago. He face palmed, as his school would have already called his parents by now and he would be in all kinds of trouble. Sage saw him stressing and rolled his eyes. They were in Sage's house and Lucas had stayed over.

"I shouldn't have come back with you last night," Lucas pointed out, he should have known better because it really wasn't worth the hassle.

Sage was sick of all the self-depreciating and the second guessing, so he leaned forward and put his hands together. Lucas blinked, wondering what he was going to say though he was soon silenced by the sound of Sage's voice.

"That's how he wants you to think, actually," Sage replied, leaving his thoughts on a cliffhanger.

With beady eyes, a confused Lucas raised his head to study Sage for a moment. His friend liked to joke around a lot, half the time he wasn't sure if he could tell when he was serious or not, but the silence in the air suggested that Lucas had definitely missed something, so he promoted Sage to tell him.

"Because he's controlling you. I know he doesn't like me. Think about it. I'm your friend. Toby's your friend. Eli, Jay and Fitz are your friends and you hardly spend any time with them anymore."

Of course, Lucas loved John and he wanted to deny it, but he had to admit he'd never really thought about it like that before. He didn't want to think about it like that, though Sage had put things into perspective for him. John and Lucas had been through a lot. Lucas chewed on his bottom lip anxiously and looked up at Sage for a couple of moments, deciding what he should do.

"Let's stay put, Sage."

Meanwhile, for that day, John was minding his own business. He couldn't even say that he was giving Lucas space because Lucas was giving himself space. The blond had been constantly checking his phone for any notifications, but he'd received none. He wasn't aware Lucas hadn't turned up to school, but was made aware when there was a knock at his door. Curiosity, John went over to his front door and answered it. It was Lucas' dad, Neal.

Before John could figure out there was even anything wrong, Neal pushed past him and stepped inside his apartment. John stared at him in disbelief as he started looking around for something. The blond wasn't dumb, he soon figured out what and crossed his arms in frustration.

"Where is he?" Neal demanded to know.

As much as John wanted to punch Neal right there and then, he bit his tongue back and decided that one of them needed to be an adult in such a tense situation. He figured it was only natural for a parent to freak out when they'd lost their child. (Despite their child being seventeen and more independent than they could ever know).

"If you're looking for Lucas, he's not here. He'd be at...at...school," John told him the truth, it was very weird thing for one to say in front of their boyfriend's dad, but he had to defend himself.

Neal sighed deeply. John waited for him to say something, for he hated being out of the loop, and he'd been out the loop a lot lately.

"The school phoned me. He didn't even go in. Do you know where he could be?"

And then it all made sense.

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