Trying Not To Fall (8)

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Crystal’s P.O.V.

The next day we packed all our things and left to go home. I didn’t like that much going to the beach but what happened yesterday made me change my mind.

I couldn’t stop smiling and I noticed Ryan also couldn’t take off that smile off his face all the way.

When I got home I was tired but happy. My mom was preparing something herself to eat in the kitchen.

“How was the trip?” she asked, once I grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

“Fine, nothing out of normal” I said trying to hide that smile that’s been in my face all day, but failed. My cheeks were hurting me.

“Why you’re smiling so much?” her eyebrows furrowing with confusion.

“I can’t smile, now?”

“Yes, but you’ve been smiling like that for like 15 min.” she said taking a seat next to me in the counter. “What happened in the trip?”

“Nothing happened, really” it’s not that I didn’t want her to know, in the contrary I wanted but I don’t know how she would react.


“Okay” I said as I took a deep breath “I kissed Ryan”

My mom eyes widened.

“That’s great!, right?”

“No, I mean yes” I said confused “Ugh! I don’t know” my hands in my head.

“Aw honey, come here” her arms opened to hug me and gently smoothing my hair.

“What I’m I supposed to do?” I asked. “I started liking him, but I am afraid that what happened last time might repeat.”

She pulled away and looks straight at me.

“I assure you he’s different, I can tell you know that well”

I sighed and nodded knowing that was true.

“He said he likes you, right?”

I nodded again in agreement.

“If you like him to, give it a try” she said “No one is forcing you to. Just… listen to your heart and do it”

I walked confused to my bedroom, plopping myself in the bed letting out a frustrated groan.

‘Should I give it a try?’ I thought. I shook my head throwing away all those thoughts in my head; I was really tired and just wanted to rest.

Ryan’s P.O.V.

The week went by normal, but something changed… Crystal didn’t talk to me that much.

May came up to me in Friday at lunch.

“Hey, is everything okay between you and Crystal?”

“Yes, why are you asking?” I said even though I didn’t know. I opened my locker, looking for my chemistry book.

“You think I’m going to believe that?! She’s my best friend! I know when she’s trying to avoid something or someone. In this case it’s you”

“Yeah, I know that”



“Tell me what you did to her”

I sighed and leaned against the locker next to mine.

“We kissed” I stated.

“What?” she shouted.

I looked at her. “Crystal and I kissed”.

“Where? When? How?”  

“In the beach, we went for a walk because we couldn’t sleep and met.”

“So she’s like this because of the kiss?”

“I don’t know” I said shutting my locker. “But I’m going to find out” I walked off leaving May alone in the hall.


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I'm writing this story by myself, didn't take it from another story or anything.

Wrote this thatnks to my friends support.(:

Hope you all liked it!!

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