Trying Not To Fall (14)

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Crystal's P.O.V.

Luckily I found my phone in my back pocket. Yes! I just needed to sent a text to May asking for help.

Mathew didn't find that I had a phone because I didn't have one when we were dating. I got it weeks later after we broke up and I didn't find why I should give him my number if I didn'y want to talk to him anyways.

I know what you're thinking, how can I text someone without looking at my screen or to who I was sending it to... well, one day May and I tried doing it because we were so bored and it was actually fun to do.

I knew were exactly were my apps were so I just clicked on it, I turned my head the most I could to see if I succesfully opened whatsapp but without Mathew noticing it. I searched May through my contacts and wrote: ´SOS, Mathew kidnap me. Help Me!´ and pressed send. 

Suddenly the car came to a stop so I fastly slide the phone through my legs and drop it in the car pushing it under the seat so he couldn't find it. 

"We're here" he said.

"Where?" I had to ask.

"Oh, Don't Worry babe" he said "No one can find us here."

"First of all I'm not your babe" I said "And second, don't be so sure about that."

He got out of the car and opened the door and untied my legs so I could walk, luckily he didn´t found my phone. He pulled me out of the car and once I was out I took a quick glance around so I could know where I was, we were in the woods.

He pushed me to what I think was a little wood cabin and opened the door for me. It was comfy and had a chimney that made warm the place but that didn´t change the fact that he had me here against my own will.

"Get inside" he said and locked me in a room.

I did as I was told and got in, afraid that if I didn't he might do something to me. Once I got in he shut the door behind me and  locked it. I quickly turned around and begged.

"Please, don't let me here. What have I done to you for you to do this to me?" I slid down the door and cried silently, letting the tears flow down my cheeks.

I hope May gets help and fast.

May´s P.O.V.

I received a message while I was helping my mom to carry some boxes to her car. Once I got to her car and put the box in the back I pulled my phone out and read the message, it was from Crystal, it said: ´SOS, Mathew kidnap me. Help Me!´. My eyes widened and I felt all the color in my face drain out, my mom saw me and asked if I felt alright.

"Mom, someone kidnapped Crystal!"

My mom dropped the box she was carrying. "Who?!"

"Mathew, his ex-boyfriend."

"I have to go and tell there parents" she nodded.

I quickly called Ryan and told him what happened, forgetting all about him kissing Veronica. All that mattered was Crystal right now. He told me to pick him up at his house and that we'll talk about it. When I arrived there he told me to quickly pass, we went up to his room.

"Okay, tell me what exactly happened?" he asked me.

"I don't know what exactly hapened but Mathew has Crystal"

"Wait, who is Mathew?"

"Crystal's ex-boyfriend"

"The one who cheated on her?" I nodded. He muttered some obnoxious words.

"His parents were transferred here again and so he came yesterday to her house. He asked her for a second chance and told her he ws very sorry and that they didn't mean anything to him like she does."

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

Right, I forgot something. "We saw you kissing Veronica."

"I planned on telling her today after school but I didn't find her. She tripped and fell on me, we kissed for a couple of seconds that's all. I get carried away by the moment." He sighed. "I wish I could have a time machine."

"Well you shoud've planned on telling her earlier, text or call her."

"Okay, sorry." he said. "Back to Crystal, do you know somewhere Mathew could've take her?"

"No, I don´t know."

"Come on May there needs to be a place he mentioned once or something. Think."

I was pacing all around his room. "I'm thinking!" 

Then something hit me in the back of my head. "WAIT" I said snapping my fingers and stopped pacing.


"I think I remember him saying something about a place in the woods near a river or something like that.."

"I think I know where it is" he said "Bruce, a friend of mine, told me something about it, come we need to get there fast"

We skipped all the was down the stairs and hopped in my car. I gave him my car keys and he drove as fast as he could."

Ryan's P.O.V.

Just wait for me to find Crystal and then this Mathew will regret what he has done.

I drove as fast I could to the where May told me he might be.

I slowed down when we were getting near so no one could hear the car. I hope he hasn't done anything to Crystal.

Crystal's P.O.V.

After a while Mathew openes the door, I was sitting in the bed that was in the room, he made his way inside closing the door behind him. My gaze followed his face then down his hand, he had a rope.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't Worry" he said with a mischievious smile.

How did I once loved someone like this? This wasn't the person I back then knew.

He pushed me down so I was laying in the bed and tied each arm in the head of the bed, just when he was going to take my pant off and then tie my legs I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, hard.

He groaned in pain but quickly recovered, anger in his eyes, I can't believe I was going to lose my innocence like this. He was going to rape me and there was nothing I could do.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Shut up"

He sat on top of me and began to kiss me in the lips but I just moved my head side to side not wanting to kiss him, then he traveled down my collarbone and more down. I tried to shake him off but couldn't then I tried to pull my knee up to kick him in the balls again but that just made him angrier.

He grabbed onto me with more ferocity, kissing me hungrily and then took off his clothes. This was it. He pushed in a little and I cried in pain.

Suddenly the door burst out open.


Sorry for not updating often but it's been rough with school and exams and homeworkds, you know? I have a life too and although I really enjoy writing for you guys I might as well live my life(: 

I know this is kinda the same story, well in my own opinion, but keep reading it might turn out different at some point and I've noticed my chapters are kind of short compared to other stories but yeah, I'll try to make them a bit longer for all of you.

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Love You All!♥


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