Chapter 9

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Chapter nine

When I opened my eyes all I could see was black, that needed to stop happening. I blinked a couple of times but nothing changed; I couldn't see. I waves a hand in front of my face but didn't see it move. I was blind.

"Hello," my voice came out raspy and horse, and I realized how much my throat hurt. Damn, I would've killed for a drink.

No answer came, it seemed that I was alone in my own darkness, laying on a very hard uncomfortable thing that I figured was a bed not daring to move. I took deep breaths and tried to figure out what was going on. The last thing I remembered was being in lesson and after that I had no recollection of what came next.

I lay there in silence trying to ignore the pains in my head and the burning sensation under my skin.

I was scared.

I was alone.

I was confused.

Then there was a small flicker of orange growing on the wall, spreading rapidly as the source grew nearer. A candle appeared and started to travel down the stairs. Attached to the candle was a hand, then an arm, then a body and then the face of Captain Rogers came into view.

Now that the space around me was flooded with light I could see my surroundings - I could see that I was in the cells locked away.

The cells were deep under The Building with only one set of steep stairs leading to the only door in and out of the darkness. Steel bars make small cage like spaces that could only squeeze in a bed, chamber pot and the prisoners. Normally the only things that are kept down there where those who commit terrible and unforgivable crimes or vampires that had been captured. So the question was why was I there?

By the time all of that had gone through my head Rogers had safely decended the stairs and started to walk towards me. She took small cautious steps, the kind that one would when approaching something dangerous. When she was about four feet away from the bars that surrounded me I sat up as her voice filled the air.

"Do you know who I am?" her voice was strong an filled with authority. I moved my head to nod but quickly ceased as it hurt too much.

"Can you tell me who I am?" She asked and this time I answered with my voice.

"Captain Rogers, leader of the Garrison, wife, mother of three and the one who keeps our butts out of trouble," I smiled slightly at the last bit and I watched as a smile tugged on the corners of her mouth.

"Good, now can you tell me who you are?"

"My name is Cyrus Barrone, the sixth member if the Garrison." I didn't know what all of this was about but I was getting a little annoyed. How could I not know who I am? What's more is that what I didn't know was why I was down here.

"Okay Barrone I have one final question for you. Do you know why you're here?"

"No, but it is something I'd like to find out." I said looking directly into her eyes. She sighed, and shook her head.

"Do you really have no idea?" looking at me couriously, with her head tipping to the side like it does when she's thinking.

"No I don't. Can you tell me? I've been laying here for god knows how long in the dark alone, can't you just tell me why? Can't you just tell me what I've done wrong?"

"I wish I could, but I'm under orders not to tell you anything as to why you're here." Now that was new, I've never known Rogers to be under orders. That must make what I've done bad, no terrible. "Look, I have to go but someone will be down with food. It should be one of the Garrison members because they know how to defend themselves, but please don't interact with them because they are under strict orders not to communicate with you. Okay?"

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