Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

It was morning, 5:32 to be exact, and no sleep came to me during the night. I lay there wake for almost eight hours letting the thoughts run wild in my head. I was trying to piece together the last few days events, everything I could remember, but I couldn't remember anything that would end up with me being locked up like a zoo animal.

I couldn't think of anything, nothing stood out. That leads me to the question of why? Why was I here? I just wanted an answer and if that answer was just then I could finally understand.

I was pulled from my thoughts by an orange glow coming from the top of the steps. The candle that Rogers left and gone out around three and it was nice to be able to see in front of me.

This time it was Kier who trotted down carrying my 'food'. His red bounced as he moved and his eye watched what he was carrying to make sure nothing spilled out onto the cold stone floor.

When he saw me he gave me a small smile but still approached me like the others had. Was I really that dangerous though? I guess Kier thought so. When he stopped creeping towards me he gave me a full on grin.

"You alright there, Cy?" He said gleefully. I smiled back at him.

"Been better Kemp, been better."

"Yeah, the bars and the stubble that's starting to grow doesn't suit you mate," Kier joked as he put the bowl down where the others had.

"It's nice to speak to someone, but I thought you were told not to?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Well," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "I figured that Drew had talked to you because Drew couldn't not talk to you. Anyway it's not like this is making you worse or going to make you want to suck my blood right?"

"Nah, don't worry your blood is safe," I joked and Kier gave a small nervous laugh.

"Well, if you do feel a lust for my blood or anyone's for that matter do tell someone, yeah?" he told me with seriousness in his voice. "Anyway, enjoy... That" he scrunched his nose up at the bowl "and someone should be back later. See ya Barrone" Then he started to walk away.

"Kemp!" I called after him and he turned around to face me. "Why would I want blood?" I asked. He shrugged and pointed to his neck then continued to leave. "Kier!" I called again but this time he didn't turn around. Maybe he'd said too much, maybe he couldn't tell me so he showed me? I huffed in frustration. I hated not knowing.

I went back to my bed. Why was everyone being so cryptic? Drew told me to 'fight it' and to 'stay in control' and then Kier makes gestures to his neck. Then there was want he said. A lust for his blood? Ugh, my head was getting worse, the burning was still there and I was still thirsty. I just wanted to go to sleep but I found out earlier that it wasn't going to happen.

Think Cyrus, think. Put it all together. Gather what you know. I told myself so then the question was what do I know?

I knew that I was locked up, so that meant that it was bad. I knew that Drew was worried and didn't want me to change but that's what he was expecting to happen. I knew that he wanted me to fight it, so I guess I hadn't committed a crime or something. Then there was Kier and his clues, if that's what they were. He sad about blood, my lust for it then when I asked he went to his neck. As I was thinking my hand went to my neck, my finger tip grazed over two small scabs. They were the side of a pin prick and about four centimetres apart.

My eyes widened and realisation hit me like a blow to the stomach. Now I knew why they were worried, why they were cautious, why I was here. I knew about the headaches and the thirst, the burning and lack of sleep. I knew what I had to fight and stop myself from changing into. I knew I was becoming a vampire.

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