Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

I was running, faster then I had ever run down the familiar halls.

I was out of my cell, I was out of The Cells, I got past the door where there were no guards and now I was running. I slowed down as I heard footsteps approaching, I bowed my heard and walked at a normal pace as a woman who worked in the kitchens strode past me, she didn't even look twice..

I guessed that only those who needed to know knew about me, about what I was becoming. That would make it the Garrison, the Guards and the high powers so it seemed that I was safe as long as I saw no one that fitted into any of those categories.

I was running again, sprinting up the stairs and around the corner. I knew exactly where I was going, I roamed these halls so many times that I didn't need my eyes to find my way but they did help when avoiding being seen. I was navigating my way around the back halls, the ones that lead to the kitchens and laundry rooms. Not many people ventured down here unless you were working so it was easier to go unnoticed. It was the perfect route.

As I walked passed the drying room where all of the wet clothes were hung I grabbed a dry black cloak that was folded up in one of the baskets. Wrapping it around me and fastening it below my chin I continued to walk and turned the corner then pulled the hood up over my head.

My destination was in sight when I climbed the steps and headed down he corridor, dragging my hand along the wall as I took long strides. It felt good to be out of the cell, I almost felt free.

"Who's there?"

Lost in the feel of the wall and the sensation of wondering around the halls I failed to notice the presence behind me.

"I said who's there?" The voice repeated, stronger then it was before. Now that I listened to it I knew that this person held no threat. I turned on the spot and came face to face with Dili, one of the cleaning maids.

"It's just me Dili," I said in a reassuring voice and you could visibly see the small blonde relax.

"Oh thank god, you worried me for a minute there Mr Barrone," A smile creeping onto her lips. "I thought that it was an intruder or something because people have been saying stuff about a bad man being taken into The Cells." A this my my whole body tensed. "God knows what he's done to get himself locked up in there."

"Don't worry," I tried to say as normally as I could. "There's no bad person in the cells," because he's stood in front of you, I thought. "There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Are you sure?" Uncertainty clear in her youthful voice. "Because you Garrison members have been acting strange, well the ones that I've seen have, now that I think about it I haven't seen you in a few days." Her words were filled with curiosity.

"Everything's good, the Garrison is fine we've just been busy." I smiled at her. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some things that need to be done."

"Oh sorry," she apologized. "I'll leave you to carry out your duties," then she turned and waked in the opposite direction that Barrone wanted to head in. I turned on my heel and continued down the hall until I arrived at the door I had been making my way to.

I knocked once and waited a little bit, there was no answer from the other side. I knocked again and there was still no answer. By this point I could hear footsteps approaching, growing closer and heading this way. I was starting to panic. Screw it I thought as I pushed open the door and entered the room.

The small room was exactly how it always was, a total mess. Clothes covered the floor, equipment was spread all over the desk and the bed was unmade. But there he was, laying on top of the unmade bed, asleep and looking peaceful.

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