His Omega

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Dressed in a pair of dark jeans he had retrieved from his former home, and one of Evan's white long sleeved t-shirts, Mikey stood in front of the holding building. The sleeves of the shirt went past his fingers, and it dipped off his shoulder on one side which he made sure to keep pulling up. With one hand balling the excess material at his hands, and his other in Evan's, Mikey nibbled his lower lip as Evan led him into the building.

To his left, there was a wall that separated them from the interrogation room. His gut churned as he remembered how not more than a week before, he had been in that very room, being interrogated by the man standing next to him. Though he had to say, Evan had been kinder about his approach, and he figured it was because the dominant was trying to win him over since they were mates.

He had yet to feel the full pull of the mate bond toward Evan, but the dominant's politeness was slowly winning him over. He had been kind, considerate, patient, and playful. Despite all that Mikey had been through, the sub had no idea how the dominant managed to be playful without striking a nerve. But somehow, he did. And Mikey appreciated that.

They walked down the corridor, and turned right down a shorter corridor, stopping when they came to a door. Evan looked down at the sub on his arm, and offered a warm, yet playful smile. "You ready?" he asked, almost melting into a puddle when the sub looked up to him and smiled brightly. "Don't be too kind, okay." Evan added, as though it were a reminder.

Mikey shook his head, blushing at the dominant's playful tone, although he knew Evan probably meant it. By the way he condemned Cedric's very existence, the sub figured he wasn't going to spare Cedric a single kind word. Gripping the dominant's hand tighter in his, he expelled a calm breath as his mate gave his hand a gentle squeeze in return, as he pushed the door open.

There was a black iron barred gate that separated them from the holding cells, and given that he was the future beta, Evan had been given the responsibility of holding onto those keys. Mikey looked to his left, peeking behind the dominant as he unlocked and pushed open the iron gate, his gaze settling on the first cell.

He'd been kept in that cell for almost two days, and two whole nights silently losing his mind, after the beta had so kindly cuffed him to the bedpost for hours and left him to wallow in a past he'd rather forget. No matter how be begged, and pleaded, fat tears falling from his eyes, the beta just sneered at him that he deserved no mercy for killing his father, and then attempting the murder of the pack's future alpha.

Even now, Mikey knew Gideon was the furthest thing from ever trusting him, let alone accepting that one day, the sub and Evan would become mates. But, as such was fate and he couldn't change it.

They walked by the second cell, which was empty, and came to a stop in front of the third cell. The occupant inside was awake, but lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his legs propped against the wall and his arms acting as a cushion for his head.

"I should probably take this time to congratulate you two on finding each other, or, apologize for my misdeeds." Cedric said then, rolling onto his stomach and getting to his feet rather swiftly. He leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest, his icy blue gaze settling on the future beta. "I'm not going to apologize. But congrats." He mocked, and Evan scowled.

"You're not succeeding at provoking us, Cedric." The future beta replied lamely, cocking a brow as Cedric leaned off the wall and stalked over to the iron gate, a smirk on his face as his gaze locked onto Mikey. The smaller boy backed away, using his mate as a shield as he ducked behind him.

"Aw, Mikey..." Cedric cooed. "You don't have to be afraid of me." He taunted, leaning on his side to get a better look at the sub. Evan scoffed, stepping into Cedric's line of vision blocking his view of Mikey.

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