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Warning: +5000 word chapter ahead.

Also, this chapter is significantly darker, and more heartbreaking, than anything I've ever written.


The sound of heavy footfalls stomping up the steps halted his escape plan. Cuffed to the bedpost, as he had spent the last two days, he retracted his claws despite becoming so close to breaking free. If he'd known he would have run out of time, that the nasty bastard would try to get back as soon as possible now that he had his favourite toy back after seven months, he would've just broken his wrist, or tugged at the cuffs until he broke free.

But, he was trying to spare himself unnecessary pain. Though now that he thought of it, putting the situation into perspective, a broken wrist, or lacerations on his wrist would heal with time. The pain, torture and agony that would no doubt follow would never heal.

Mikey jumped, slamming his eyes shut as the door to what was once his bedroom swung open, the mighty force of the person who barged in, sent the door flying back into the wall. He could already smell the alcohol oozing off him.

Then, he heard a woman's voice. Her voice; and oh, how he hated her with everything he was worth. She called out to the man who had barged into his bedroom, and he heard her light footfalls as they came running up the steps. Glancing over his shoulder, just enough, he saw her standing in the doorway.

The man turned to glare at her. "I told you not to disturb us!" he barked at her; but she remained unmoving, glaring her disgust and hatred at the young Lycan cuffed to the bed. "Get out! And don't disturb us."

The woman curled her lip in disgust. "You filthy whore!" she shouted at Mikey, just before the man violently shoved her, and slammed the door shut. Tears welled in Mikey's eyes at the injustice of it all; at the fate he was about to suffer through for the next couple hours, as the man came to lie down on the bed.

He felt the bed dip, indicating that the man behind him was shifting his weight. Mikey fought the urge to throw up, holding back the tears, the need to scream at the injustice, as the man lifted his hand and placed it on Mikey's thigh, slowly running his hand up and down, from his waist, to his knees. He shut his eyes once again, saying a silent prayer to see him through the next couple of hours.

Please, God; or anyone willing; give me the strength to get out of here.

He stiffened as the man raised his hand, bringing it to Mikey's shoulder, where he proceeded to run his fingers through Mikey's blonde hair, along his jaw line and down the side of his neck. The man chuckled.

"I can't tell you how glad I am to have you back. Your mother hasn't been doing a very good job in sating me the way you do." 

Mikey whimpered, his jaw trembling as the man he used to call 'father', wrapped his arm around the smaller boy's mid-section, pulling him closer moving in to kiss him. "We're going to have a lot of fun for the next few hours, Mikey."


Drawing a ragged breath, one he was sure the disgusting man beneath him mistook for pleasure, given the smirk on his face, he averted his gaze back to the bedpost, to the handcuff links that he had been attempting to weaken throughout the last few hours. He tried to ignore the pain in his back, and the man beneath him roughly thrusting into him repeatedly. 

If he could just get his right hand freed from its confinement, he knew that everything would be okay. Fighting the urge to vomit at the feeling of disgusting hands roaming his body, Mikey drew a deep breath, arching his body to give more momentum, and ignored the moans and groans coming from the person beneath him, he tugged as hard as he could on the cuffs.

An Omega Novel: Alpha and Omega (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now