~6 Part 1~

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Damien's POV:

"EAT MY SHELLS YOU DIRTBAG!!" Shayne shouted as he started shooting green shells at me.

"MAKE ME!" Mario Kart is the death of any friendship. We decided that video games is the best way to fix what happened. I zoomed past the finish line in first place. Shayne punched my arm out of pure rage.

"What the hell, man!" I'm not his human punching bag.

"Sorry man. I just hate losing to you. I'll beat you next round." We were about to start another round when my phone started buzzing in my pocket. Why is Y/N calling me?


"Damien! Damien!" Her voice was shaky and full of fear.


"He's outside."

"Who's outside?"


"Caspar Winslow?"

"Yes. OH MY GOD HE'S GETTING OUT OF THE CAR! HE HAS SOMETHING IN HIS HAND!" The noise from the other side of the phone was complete chaos.

"GET OUT HERE Y/N! I WON'T REPEAT MYSELF." After that I heard the screams of a terrified girl and voiceless mumbles. I had to get over there.

I dropped my phone and sprinted out the door. Y/N's house was only a few minutes away from Shayne's so I just ran there. When I got there I saw Caspar getting into his car and driving off. Luckily I got his license plate number. I kept repeating the number in my head. GBU-E07 GBU-E07 GBU-E07. I reached for my phone and realized that it's still on the floor of Shayne's apartment. I sighed and ran back as fast as I could.

"Damien, what's going on?" Shayne called from the sofa as I tumbled through the door.

"Y/N's in trouble," I panted. "If you want to help, bring my car round to her house. We might have to go hunt a bastard down."

"What? Wh-" I was already out of the door when he started speaking again. I didn't have time to talk to him.

I swore at myself under my breath as I fumbled around with the lock on Y/N's door, shaking too much to open it. Eventually, I shoved the door open.

"Y/N?! Where are you?" I yelled into the house, frantically looking about the living room.

"I-In here," a faint voice called out, coming from the kitchen. I rushed through to find Y/N slumped against a counter, bruises on her face and blood trickling down her jeans. Oh god.

Your POV:

I felt sick. I thought I'd seen the last of him...

Suddenly Damien burst through the kitchen door, before locking eyes with me and immediately growing pale.

"What the fuck did he do to you?" Damien asked as he dropped to his knees next to me.

"He said I-... I had to go with him, or h-he'd kill me," I stammered with a wince.

"He what? That fucker!" Damien growled, which caused me to flinch. He noticed, then immediately softened. "Sorry..."

"I-It's okay... I refused, then he started hitting me..." I mumbled, tears beginning to fall. "He pushed me and I hit the counter, so I grabbed a knife... Self d-defense, you know. He wrestled it off me and, well..."

I lifted the hem of my shirt to reveal a gash above my hip. Damien's eyes widened as he began crying. He then stood up and lifted me into his arms.

"You're going to the hospital. Shayne's out front."

"Really, Dames, I'm fi-"

"Don't argue. I can't lose you, Y/N," he stated, before heading out of the front door.

He placed me in the back seat of his car, then got in himself.

"Hospital now, Shayne." Shayne immediately stepped on the gas.

What did he mean by that? "I can't lose you"? It's not like I was going to die or anything. He held me in his arms and I felt safe. I felt as if the whole world couldn't hurt me as long as I was with him. I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down and realized that I was bleeding more than I thought. A terrifying darkness caved over the world around me. I latched onto Damien's shirt.

"I don't want to die."


If Only They Knew (Damien Haas x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now