~7 Part 1~

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Your POV:

The fresh smell of flowers filled my nose. Who knew a field of flowers was so soft. The sunlight kissed my fragile skin as I layed amongst the animals that make the flowers their home. It was peaceful. Almost like death was taking over. It was a scary, yet peaceful place. It took me in its arms and held me there.


The voice that was calling my name was soft and loving. It was too familiar. The field of flowers was too lovely to leave, but the soft voice kept repeating my name.


I stood up from the embrace of the wilderness. The beautiful flowers all died around me. The petals turned to dust in the matter of seconds. Everything around me turned dark. My heart started trying to jump out of my chest. My eyes roamed around the valley of death. I found Damien standing in the middle of the field next to a dead tree. He was reaching out to me. I started running to him. As I got closer his entire body turned black. He began to scream as his entire body separated into flies. They formed a tornado around me, spinning so fast that all I could see were winged beasts. The swirling abyss grew taller, way above my head. Ribbons of insects writhed their way around my body, engulfing me in their darkness. I twisted and turned in an attempt to escape, to be back in front of the Damien I knew, but it was hopeless.

“Damien!” I cried out, giving one last struggle. As if triggered by the name the plague cascaded down onto me, flowing almost like water onto the lifeless ground. My body followed.

The bright light stung my eyes as I stared at the pale wall, frozen still except for the tears that streamed down the side of my face. What was that? Damien… He disappeared. I sat up suddenly before yelling out in pain and clutching my side.

“Hey, Y/N, slow down!” Damien warned cautiously as a nurse ran into the room.

“I-I… I’m okay… Just a nightmare,” I stumbled over my words, slowly settling back into bed.

Damien pulled the cover back over me and nodded to the nurse. “Sorry to disturb you, miss, she’s okay,” he gave an apologetic smile to the woman, who nodded in response and left.

I just hid my face in his arm.

“Hey, come here,” he said soothingly, moving his arm around my shoulders and lifting my head onto his chest. He wrapped his other arm around me. “I’ve seen you cry before, Y/N. You don’t need to hide from me…”

“Sorry… It’s just, in the nightmare…” I faltered, hesitant to whether I should tell him. I continued anyway, “You d-disappeared… I was scared…”

He rested his chin on my head and hugged me tightly, “I’m not going anywhere, silly goose. I’m right here.”

“I know that now…” I mumbled, before melting into his arms and closing my eyes. His embrace had always been so comforting to me, though I wasn’t always sure why. His arms around me just felt...safe. Like nothing could ever hurt me.



“Promise me you'll never leave.”

“I told you I wasn't going anywhere.”

He hugged me tighter. His natural scent lingered in my nose. That's when I realized that I loved him. That I wanted to be with him. No one has ever made me feel as safe as he does. He cares so much about me and I was too blind to see it. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

“Are you okay Y/N?”

I leaned in and kissed his soft lips. It's wasn't a lustful kiss, but a kiss full of love. It was the typical romance movie feeling. The fireworks and everything. I love him so much. We pulled apart and just stared at each other with a smile on our faces and love in our eyes.

If Only They Knew (Damien Haas x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now