0: Fresh Air

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Miyuki's POV

The soft moonlight radiates on to the baseball turf, turning the court hues of dark green and blue, complementing the midnight sky perfectly.

I inhale deeply, grounding my feet to to the filthy concrete balcony I'm stood upon. Whenever I can't sleep I typically find myself abundantly wondering outiside the dorms, distracting myself. I guess tonight's one of those nights... by 'those nights' I mean every night. It's impossible for me to fall asleep before midnight these days.

A cool breeze passes by, my hair and loose fitting pyjamas sway in the wind, sending goosebumps up my exposed back. I sigh, and let out a chilling exhale.

We have a scrimmage game tomorrow, an innocent scratch match to determine if we're better off having offensive or defensive training. It's nothing to get my head wrapped around but... I can't help but be shitty that I wont get to catch Sawamura's balls tomorrow. He'll be off with Chris just like usual. I understand that he may not be the best pitcher on our team, but that doesn't mean he sucks completely.

I remember last year, when Sawamura first arrived here for an afternoon orientation, the same day he took down Azuma. I remember the feeling of my glove gripping around his disgusting, moving pitch, and I loved it.

He had his own unique throwing style, despite it being absolute shit. It wasn't like any other pitch I'd ever caught, it had it's Sawamura's own personality embedded in it, all crooked and gross, just like him. 

I'm just kidding, I love him.

Still my angsty point stands, I would much rather catch his throws than anyone else's. I made that obvious last year.... at least I think I did... 

When shades announced his decision to pair Sawamura up with Chris and myself with Fuyura I was less  than content, I'd been looking forward to forming a battery with Sawamura for months, pretty much ever since I found out he was attending this school. He seemed pretty upset with our Coach's decision as well, and by upset I mean incredibly agitated. He probably felt something new when he got to throw a pitch like that. I've been stalking some of Sawamura's practises with Chris, and I will admit that he's been improving at a rapid rate... but I just really wish it could've been me he'd be improving with. No offence to Fuyura or anything.

I run my hands through my messy bed hair, once again releasing a bold exhale. I should be going to bed, It's almost one am. A cold shiver creeps up my back as I turn to face my dorm room. 

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