10: More Practise

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Miyuki's POV

"Oi, what's his name again?" The new coach asks Harucchi.
"Uh- the Pitcher?" He points to Sawmaura.
"Yeah, what his name?" New coach Juingo
"It's Eijun" Harucchi replies.

"Only a faggot could throw a ball that crooked, keep your legs closed and your mouth shut" the new coach scowls, before trotting off to insult someone else.

Sawamura looks up from the bullpen, his emotions a mix of confusion and hurt.

"Don't let it get to you, he's been going around picking on everyone" Chris pipes up. He sighs and arises from his previous kneeling position, and walks over to Sawmaura and Furuya.

"He called me hard-ball, hard-dick haver earlier" Furuya spontaneously mentions, managing to keep a mono face.

Not wanting to be left out, I jog over to where the other three are already discussing the new coach.

"He can't go around and break people down like that, it's doing more harm than good" The third-year continues. "He also needs to stop using slurs"

"I've lost count how many times he's called me a fag, and he hasn't even been here for a week" Sawamura mutters, his fingers picking at the woven string peaking out from his mitt.

"Chris-Senpai, do you know how long this new coach will be here for?" I ask.

He thinks for a second. "I'm not sure, but If coach Katoka is having family issues than we can bet it'll be atleast a couple of weeks"

"Atleast" Sawamura mumbles, a salty look plastered across his face.

"I asked him if he had organized any scrimmage games for us in the upcoming weeks, but he just spat at me and said "Since when did you become a manager"" Chris adds.

The group of us collectively sigh, before walking off back to pur respective positions in the bullpens, But I can't help but linger my gaze at Sawmaura for an extra moment, his posture is tense, yet he's acting so calm.
Maybe he's still adjusting to the new coach.

Whatever it is, he's bothered by it. I've noticed it while stalking his pitches to Chris out of the corner of my eye.

I trott back over to Furuya, where we attempt to begin practising like we did before Coach Jinguli came and interrupted us.

The first-year throws an easy fastball down the middle, followed by a progression of increasingly further difficult balls.
I manage to catch them all, of course.

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