Chapter 8

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  Alex's tongue danced with mine as he pushed my body against his, running his hands up and down my back. His lip ran against mine, biting it.

  "Nobody likes a tease." I say, pulling away just enough for him to still feel my lips on his.

  He moans as I move my hand down his body and start to unbutton his pants. He began to trail kisses down my neck, making sure to suck on it.

  "What the fuck?!" I hear Jax's voice.

  "Shit." Alex says.

  Startled, I roll off of Alex and cover my naked chest with my pillow. Alex gets off the bed, looking for his shirt in a panic.

  "Haven't you heard of knocking?" I glare at him.

  "I'm getting Hunter and if you're not gone by the time I get back, you're dead." He points to Alex. Turning around, he walks down the stairs and I hear him talking to Hunter.

  "I'll call you." Alex says, tying his shoes.
  "You're leaving?" I reach over to grab my shirt. Putting it on, I get off the bed and tie my hair up.

  "Did you not hear Jax?" He says, his voice shaking.

"He's not going to do anything. He's just trying to scare you." I say, hoping I was right.

  "I'm not risking it." He stands up from my bed. "I swear sometimes I think Jax has some kind of crush on you."

  I look at him, almost breaking my neck at how fast I turned it. "What makes you think that?"

  "I don't know. I guess how he's always so protective of you and sometimes it seems he's jealous." He shrugs.

"Jealous? Jax doesn't get jealous." I say.

  "Well, seems like it." He walks to the door. "I should go."

  "Yeah, you should." Hunter appears at the door with Jax by his side. They look between the both of us before Alex walks past them in a hurry.

  Once I heard the front door close I stomp over to my door. Glaring at the both of them I roll my eyes and slam it shut.

  "We are just trying to protect you, Ems. You know we love you." Hunter says, his voice traveling through the door.

  "If you loved me you wouldn't do this!" I yelled, crossing my arms as I sat on my bed.

  Jax comes bursting through the door and walks so he was right in front of me. I look up at him making sure to show him how mad I was. I completely ignored everything Alex said about Jax having feelings for me and felt nothing but anger.

  "Emma," He says, his voice almost coming out in a whisper. I look over at the doorway to see Hunter was no longer there.

  "Get out." I walk over to the door and hold it open for him.

  "We have to talk." His eyes no longer held the burning rage from when he saw me on top of Alex. They were now a soft ocean blue. I loved the way his eyes changed color especially depending on his mood. They could be a blue green one minute, dark blue the next, and then a bright blue.

  "Talk about what?" I knew exactly what he was talking about. We haven't brought up the moment we had in his room last week or how he said I was in love with him.

  "You know what." He comes close to me.

  "The fact that you have to do my laundry? I think I was pretty clear about that." I look away from him.

"Emma." He raises his voice. "Look at me."

  I looked at my feet, wiggling my toes around as I felt uncomfortable having him so close to me. Every time he got close to me I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn't be alone around him because I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself. It wasn't a bad feeling I got from him. I just felt like I was ready to tear his clothes apart.

  "Emma, please look at me." He came even closer to me, his breath already on my lips.

  I felt my legs go weak and my stomach start to turn. I felt like I was spinning. My heart has never beat so fast before.

  "Jax, d-don't." I stutter, barely getting to breathe.

  "I can't help it." His hand glided against mine, making every little thing in my body feel alive.

  As he started to lean in I heard Hunter call out for Jax from downstairs. I moved away from him, leaving him standing by the door alone. I ignored the way he was staring at me and looked towards my bed.

"Jax! Rebecca's calling you!" He yelled.

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