Chapter 26

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I woke up Wednesday morning with my head pounding. I felt like someone had hit me in the head with a hammer.

I laid in bed, too tired to get up. I don't remember eating anything last night that could have affected me this morning. Just as I was about to call out for my dad, I felt my stomach turn in knots and my insides come up.

In a swift motion, I jump out of bed and make a run for the bathroom. Shutting the door behind me, I kneel down and begin gagging as my vomit comes up.

As I emptied my insides out, there was a knock at the door.

"Emma, are you okay?" I hear Jax's voice from behind the door. "Open up."

"H-Hold on!" I yell, continuing to throw up.

I let out the last of it, flush the toilet and wash my mouth and hands before finally opening the door.

"Were you throwing up?" His voice comes out concerned.

"I'm fine, just feeling a little sick." I answer.

"You're pale," He comes closer, bringing his hand to my forehead. "And you're burning up, I'm going to get your dad."

"No, don't." I stop him before he can walk away. "I feel fine, I promise. Where's Hunter?"

"In his room getting dressed." He replies. "Are you sure you don't want me to get your dad?"

I nod. "It's okay, I feel fine now. Must have been something I ate last night. I'm going to get dressed. I'll meet you outside."

"Emma," He calls after me as I begin to walk back to my room. "You're not...I mean it's not possible, right?"

I try hiding my surprised look and shake my head. I knew what he meant. "No, no it's impossible."

" and Alex," He trails off. "Did you guys use protection?"

"Yes, it's not that. Don't worry, it's probably food poisoning." I lie. "I'll see you in a bit."

Entering my room, I close the door and lean my back against it.

There was no way I could be pregnant. I knew Alex and I risked it by not using protection but we weren't thinking. After everything that happened it had slipped my mind to get the morning after pill.

If there was any small chance that I could be pregnant I needed to know. I couldn't imagine my life as a teen mom. This wasn't supposed to happen. Not like this. Not with my ex boyfriend , not at this age.

I rushed to get my phone off my bed and texted Marissa to meet me at the side of the school.

If I was pregnant I needed to know.

- -

As soon as I saw Jax and Hunter distracted by their friends I slipped away and met up with Marissa at the side of the school.

Rushing to her side, I cried out as soon as she embraced me into a big hug.

"What's so urgent you couldn't wait until lunch?" She said, pulling away from me. "What's wrong?"

She wiped my tears away, pouting as she saw me bawling my eyes out.

"I think I'm pregnant." I cried out.

Her eyes popped out, gasping as the words came out of my mouth.

"No fucking way." She says, not believing me. "You took a test? How do you know?"

I shook my head, sniffing. "That's why I asked you to meet me here. I need to go get a test. I woke up this morning throwing up and Jax saw me. He reminded me about that night with Alex, we didn't use protection."

"So Jax knows?" She questions.

"No, no he just assumed but I lied and told him we were safe." I say, running a hand through my hair. "We have to go now before we miss the bus."

I grab Marissa by the arm and pull her as we jog to the nearest bus stop and wait impatiently.

"I'm so dead." I whispered, wiping away the remaining of tears that had fell down my face.

"Relax, you don't even know if you're really pregnant. Just breathe." Marissa tried to assure me.

"You can't tell me to relax, Marissa. There's a huge possibility I can be pregnant and if I am my life is over." I let out, feeling irritated.

As the bus came in sight, I sighed in relief and grabbed my wallet from my bag. Pulling out my metro card, I looked at Marissa and she gave me a small smile.

"Everything's going to be okay, I'm sure of it." She says, rubbing my arm.

As the bus stops at the red light, I impatiently tap my foot on the ground. I turn to Marissa and was about to speak when a car honks besides us.

I turn around, gasping to myself when Jax's car appears on the side of the side walk.

"Going somewhere?"

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