Chapter 40

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My eyes twinkled under the light as I finished applying my makeup. I had my hair styled in loose curls and wore a simple red dress that went just above my knees.

I tried ignoring the uneasy feeling I got every time I thought about going to see Jax's other family. His step sister Chloe who was only nine and a new step mother in the picture made me nervous enough to want to back out of the dinner.

I was only doing this for Jax and to show him support. If it wasn't for him I would never offer to go but I knew he needed me and I wanted to be there.

I slipped on my flats and rushed around my room gathering my things.

"Emma?! Are you ready?!" Jax calls from down the hall.

"I'm coming!" I yell back.

I grabbed my purse and put everything I needed in it before walking out of my room, shutting off the light. Jax and Hunter were seated in the living room talking as I walked in.

The minute Jax laid eyes on me his eyes traveled up and down my body. It's been so long since I had the chance to have Jax in my arms. It was obvious we missed each other.

"Are you sure you want to go? You can come with dad and I to dinner instead." Hunter speaks, snapping Jax and I back to reality.

I shake my head. "You guys go enjoy yourselves. Jax needs some moral support tonight. I'm not backing out now."

Standing up, Jax fixes his shirt and smiles at me. "Thank you for doing this."

"My pleasure." A part of me knew I was doing this as an excuse to be around Jax tonight.

When Hunter stands up and looks around the couch for his phone, Jax takes the opportunity to lean in and whisper into my ear.

"You look beautiful."

Smiling, I feel my cheeks burn hot and I quickly move away from him. He didn't go unnoticed with his button down shirt and dress pants. He looked so put together it almost made me mad I couldn't lean in right now and kiss him.

"Well," Jax says. "We should get going."

"Call if anything. I'll let dad know when he gets back that you went out." Hunter tells me as he walks us to the door.

"You act like we're going to go do some shady shit." I look at Hunter. "We're going to his dads."

"I know, I know." He groans. "Just go already."

Kissing him goodbye on the cheek, I walk out of my house and feel Jax follow close behind. He unlocks the door and smoothly goes ahead of me to open my door.

Thanking him, I get in the car and wait as he makes his way in and starts the car.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" He looks over at me.

I smile, locking my eyes with his. "You did and you look very handsome."

He grins, backing out of the driveway and making our way in the direction of his dad's house.

Halfway there, Jax suddenly puts down the volume of the music and clears his throat. "So, I've been thinking."

"That's not good." I joke.

He chuckles. "Uh, I don't know how to really say this."

I look at him and watch as he squirms around in his seat. "Just say it."

He hesitates, tapping his finger on the wheel. "Is there... I don't know, do you think there's any chance that you and I...will ever be what we used to be?"

Shocked, I look away from him and begin to fiddle with my hands. I wasn't expecting Jax to ask what he just did and I didn't think he would even still want to be with me.

"I don't know, Jax." I finally say. "So much has happened. I just don't see how we could go back to the past. Some things just aren't meant to be."

"I don't believe that," he shakes his head. "You and I were meant to be together, Emma. I know it."

"Jax," I sigh. "I'm not saying that we won't ever be something in the future. I'm just saying that we can't go backwards."

"So we go forwards," he suggests. "We start fresh."


"Let me take you out." He cuts me off. "One date." He puts up one finger. "One date and if you still think after that we aren't meant to be I'll leave you alone for good."

I shake my head, crossing my arms. "You're crazy."

"Crazy about you."

"Oh, really classy." I laugh.

"Come on," He chuckles. "Say yes."

After a couple minutes of us playfully bickering, I finally give in and agree on going on a date with him.

It felt different to see how in the beginning it was all sexual attraction between me and Jax and now there was a possibility something more could happen.

Noticing the familiar white house and picket fence as Jax parks along the sidewalk, silence fills the car.

I've only been here twice before but it was so long ago I forgot how big Jax's dad's house really was. His dad was the definition of a person made of money.

For a while, his dad was sending money to Jax's mom but they stopped accepting it once they realized accepting that money came with a price.

"Are you okay?" I look over at Jax gripping the wheel, his body looking tense.

I placed my hand on his lap, giving it a light squeeze and smiled as Jax's shoulders fell with ease.

"Let's get this shit over with."

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