Chapter 22

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Listen to this song as you read the chapter. It sets the mood. Song is ocean eyes by Billie Eilish.

The days had grown colder and the days got shorter. September was coming to an end and we would soon be welcoming October. My days during the week were spent at school and I spent careless nights with Alex.

Hunter was rarely home anymore so I got the house to myself more often and tonight was one of those nights.

I impatiently waited for Alex in the living room, scrolling through channels on the TV.

"Ugh." I sighed loudly to myself. I've been ready for an hour, waiting until he got here and there was still no answer from him.

Just as I was about to call him for the fifth time there was a knock on the door.

"Finally," I let out a breath. Getting off the couch, I pull my dress down and smoothen out any wrinkles that have made an appearance on my dress.

"Took you long enough, I-"

I hold my breath in as I look in front of me, shocked at the figure standing in front of me.

"Hey." He says.

"Jax," I finally speak. "Uh, Hunter isn't here."

"I know, he's at my place." He says.

His eyes roam my body, eyes shinning from the moonlight, mouth slightly parted as he gawked at me.

"You look stunning." He says in a low voice.

"What are you doing here?" I ignore him, trying to hide the fact that my legs were about to give up on me.

I look at him for any sort of reaction, only to see his face drown with worry. "Oh, my God, is it Hunter? Is he okay?"

He shakes his head, snapping back to reality. "No, Hunter's fine. He actually doesn't even know I'm here. He thinks I went out for food."

"Jax," I sigh in desperation. "What are you doing here?"

It's been weeks since Jax and I talked. Since the night at Jax's house nothing has been the same. I made it clear to him nothing could happen with us and he wouldn't understand.

After count times of telling him I just avoided him and pushed him away. It was the only option left.

"I've been thinking and I don't know, maybe," He hesitates before continuing. "Can I come in?"

"Alex is on his way. I think it's best if you go." I begin to close the door but he beats me to it, stopping the door with his foot.

"Please." He pleads.

Giving up, I move away from the door and let him in. Closing it behind him, I lead him into the living room.

Leaning against the wall, I cross my arms and watch as he fiddles with his hands.

"Alex will be here soon so if you have something to say, now is the time." I say.

  He nods. Walking over to me he scratches the back of his head, as if looking for the right words to say.

"I'm sorry." He finally says.

"You don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong." I tell him.

"I made you push me away. I never wanted that." He says. "I made things more difficult."

"You made things easier." I say.

"Your brother told me to stay away from you." He begins. "It was either you or his friendship. So I chose him because as long as we stayed best friends it meant I got to be near you."

"Why are you telling me this?" I shake my head in disbelief. "Hunter's your best friend, Jax."

"Exactly!" He lets out. "I wasn't using him for you that's not what I meant. Fuck, I'm sorry this wasn't how I imagined this going."

"Jax, you should leave." I say.

Walking towards him, I grab his arm and begin to pull him to the door. Before I reach it, he spins me around, bringing me into his chest.

"Emma, I can't get you out of my head." His breath hits me, leaving me to gasp as I smelled the alcohol on him.

  "You're drunk." I push him away. "Go home, Jax. Hunter's going to kill you."

He grins, shaking his head. "Shh, Hunter's all good. We're good."

I've never seen Jax this way. Whenever he drank it was only to a point of being tipsy, enough to control his actions. Never like this.

I didn't like this side of him.

"Emma?" I hear from the doorway.

"Come on," I groan. "Why me?" I say to myself in frustration.

"Because you're perfect." Jax smiles.

I walk over to the door, Jax following behind me like a lost puppy and smile when I see Alex.

"Hey," I say, kissing his cheek. "What took you so long?"

"My dad wouldn't let me leave work until I finished. Sorry for not answering he was standing right over me the entire time." He explains.

Alex looks behind me to see Jax and waves at him.

"Hey, man." Alex says.

Jax nods at him and moves away from me. He walks over to the opened door and turns to me.

"I'll leave, I'm sorry I ruined your night." Jax says.

"Wait, Jax -"

"Enjoy your night."

Without a second thought, Jax turns around and walks away leaving an uncomfortable silence between Alex and I.

"You okay?" Alex breaks the silence.

"Yeah, all good." I lie.

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