Chapter 14

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All week all I had on my mind was Jax. Thinking about the moments we have shared that meant nothing to him. Like yesterday when his hand brushed mine and my whole body was on fire but he simply moved it away without a thought.

I couldn't help but wonder why he would come with me to Kevin's dad's party tonight. It didn't take much to convince him which was surprising.

  He hadn't brought up our conversation about his dad since it happened. I knew he didn't want to talk about the subject anymore and I understood that. Although, I had to admit I was curious about how Jax had to repay his father back.

  "Emma!" My dad calls out for me from the living room.

Zoning back in, I shut my phone off and got up from the stool to meet my dad.

"Yeah?" I ask, seeing the Tv on while he had papers scattered in front of him on the coffee table.

I grabbed the control that was on the side of the table and turned it off.

"Where's your brother?" He said, not taking his eyes off his work.

"I don't know, probably with Jax." I shrug.

"Isn't he going with you and Jax to that event?" He asked.

"You mean Kevin's dad party?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Mhmm." He mumbles, too concentrated to even pay attention to what I was saying.

"Yeah, so?" I ask.

  He sighs, taking his glasses off and turning around to look at me. "I'm asking you where's your brother."

   "What does me going out with him tonight have to do with me having to know where he is right now?" I ask, getting frustrated.

  "Just call him and ask him where he is and to come home now." He says, turning around to continue his work.

   "What for?" I question.

  "He never came home last night. Can you go call him now and stop asking stupid questions?" He raised his voice, sounding annoyed.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked out of the living room and went upstairs to my room.

   It didn't necessarily worry me that he never came home because it wasn't the first time he's done this. I knew he had probably spent the night at Jax's.

  Entering my room I closed the door behind me and slipped my phone out of my pocket, dialing Hunter's number.

"Hello?" He answered on the fourth ring. His voice sounded sleepy from the other end.

  "Where are you?" I sat on my bed, biting my nails.

  "Uh, huh?" He said, coming out muffled.

"Hello, Hunter? Dad said to come home, where are you?" I asked.

  "At a friends house." There was a pause and another voice coming out muffled through the line.

  "What friend?" I raise an eyebrow, knowing he can't even see me.

  "Uh, you don't know her." He said, sounding off.

  "Dad said to come home, or at least call him to let him know you're okay." I said.

  "Hunter, come back to bed." I hear a girls voice.

  My heart dropped to my feet, a feeling of worry filled my body. I knew that voice all too well.

  "Tell him I'll be home soon." He hung up, not giving me a chance to answer back.

  I let my phone fall on the bed as I sat there letting sink in what just happened.

  How could Hunter do this? Even after what happened in the past with Jax and he broke his trust and betrayed him.

  Hunter had spent the night with Rebecca.


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