Chapter 33

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The rest of the way home Jax and I laughed and talked about random stuff. It hit me how much I really didn't know Jax. We shared an interest in a lot of the same things. From movies to music. The only thing we couldn't agree on was food and ice cream flavors.

He was the picky one.

We had left Charlie's neighborhood after I finished him off and he kept telling me how bad he felt I didn't get anything. He didn't know how much he really gave me. Having him within reach was enough for me.

Jax left hickeys all over my neck while he only had one. I didn't know how I was going to explain this to Hunter or my dad.

Jax pulled into my driveway and turns to me. With a grin he leans in, giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Gosh, you're beautiful." He whispered against my lips.

I smile, feeling my cheeks burn hot with red. I finally had him and he made it clear he wanted me. The moment we shared in his car would go unforgotten. It would be the first of many.

"What am I going to tell my dad?" I say, point to my neck as I stare at myself through the mirror. I put my hoodie on and fix my hair into a neat pony tail.

"Come," He says.

I turn to him and watch as he fixes my hoodie, putting my hood over my head.

An amazing tune rings in my ears as Jax bursts out laughing, filling the car with delight.

"Your...head is shaped so...f-funny with your pony tail." He says in between his laughing.

"Ha, ha , ha so funny." I roll my eyes. I take off my hood along with my pony tail and leave my hair so that it's on each side of my shoulders.

Putting my hood back on, I try hiding any marks Jax has left me and adjust my hair.

"That's better." He grins. "Look at me."

I turn my head to him and he gives me an ear to ear smile.

"Can't see a thing."

"When I get in I'll cover it with makeup quickly." I tell him. Unbuckling my seat belt, I grab my bag and open the door.

"Thanks for tonight." I say. Right before getting out I lean back in and give him a peck on the lips.

"Of course." He smiles.

Getting out of his car, I close the door behind me and walk up the stairs. The door had been unlocked and I go in watching as Jax pulls out of the driveway.

"Emma, thank goodness you're okay." My dad says the second I step into the living room. "I was so worried something might have happened."

"I'm okay, don't worry." I tell him.

He jumps off the couch and embraces me into a big hug, squishing the air out of my body. He kisses my forehead and pulls away looking at me.

"Where have you been?" He asks.

I was hoping he couldn't notice my neck. I couldn't explain to him how or from who I had gotten these marks. What happened between Jax and I was sacred.

Now, I needed to lie to my dad about where I had been. I couldn't explain to him that I had spent the day with a middle aged man and then went to his apartment. Knowing him, he'll hunt Charlie down in seconds.

"I was out with a friend from school. We went to eat and then her house. I'm sorry I didn't call or let you know I was okay." I say. "I may have overreacted earlier."

He shakes his head. "You didn't overreact, Emma. It was my mistake. I should have been here for you and Hunter. I was thinking about myself and what I thought was best for me. I made the mistake of not putting my kids first. Your mother would be so disappointed in me."

"You've done the best you could." I defend him. "You were hurting too and it's not fair that I didn't accept you wanting to try. I know you love us and from now on I won't act out the way I did."

"You have the same heart as your mother. Maybe that's why I pulled away so much more from you. You remind me of her. You two have the same warm heart. Always putting everyone else in front of you." He reaches out for me, bringing me in for another hug.

My arms wrap around his back and we give each other a tight squeeze before separating. He plants another kiss on my forehead and grins at me.

"Where's Hunter?" I ask.

"In his room." He tells me, furrowing his eyebrows. "You should talk to him he was really worried about you."

"I am." I nod. "I'm just going to get changed first and I'll go see him."

Giving me a nod, I turn away from him and go down the hall to my room. I close the door behind me and sigh with relief that he hadn't noticed my neck. I had to cover it up with makeup before I would go see Hunter.

Going into my drawer, I take out my sweatpants and a t-shirt and begin getting undressed. I quickly slipped into the clothes and felt my legs relax themselves. I dreaded being in jeans all day.

I take out my makeup from one of the drawers and immediately start covering up the red and purple spots. I had to use multiple coats of foundation to cover them completely. You could barely notice them unless you were looking for them intensely.

Putting my makeup away, I open the door and go up the stairs to Hunter's room. His lights were on and he had his music on low volume. I knocked before going in and saw as Hunter's face lit up once he saw me.

"Finally, when Jax told me he was on his way to you I was relieved. What took you guys so long?" He ushers to me and hugs me.

Flashes of Jax and I in his car flooded my mind. I was on top of him grinding on his lap, my hand down his pants as he called out my name.

"There was traffic." I simply say.

"We were worried about you." He says, moving away from me and going to sit on his bed.

I wasn't one to leave my house especially without letting people know where I was so I understood why everyone reacted as if I was gone for weeks. I had scared everyone today. It showed me how much people really did care.

"I know, I'm sorry." I let out a breath. "Did you talk to dad?"

"Yeah," He nods. "He's going to be home more. Says he regrets pulling away from us after mom's death."

"Doesn't hurt to try right?" I shrug. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. I fix my hair making sure it was in the right place.

"I guess not." He responds.

After a short silence he looks over at me with a puddle of tears in his eyes. My heart drops to my stomach at the image in front of me. I hadn't seen Hunter cry since the day we found out we lost our mother.

"I miss her, Em." He cried out. "I miss her so much."

A single tear drops down his face and I move over next to him, wrapping my arms around his shaking body.

"I miss her too." My voice cracks as I speak.

"Why did she have to leave us?" He continues to cry.

"I don't know." I tried holding back my tears but it was no use. We both sobbed in sync and held each other tightly, too afraid to let go.

"Shh, it's okay. I-Its okay." I tell him, rubbing his back. "We're going to be okay, I promise."

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