Chapter 16

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My mind kept wandering to what happened in my room with Jax. He's been acting different with me lately. One minute he's rude and treats me like Hunter's annoying little sister and the next he treats me like one of his one night stands.

  I choose to not be treated like the rest of Jax's toys. I'm not letting him have his way with me no matter how much I like him. I knew this wasn't more than a simple crush.

  I kept trying to convince myself that what happened in my room was a mistake but deep down I knew it was more than that. I knew there was something between Jax and I.

  I couldn't help but think that maybe he was playing with my head. Maybe he did in fact know I liked him and was messing around with me. It was all probably apart of some sick joke of his.

"Hello, earth to Emma." A hand is waving in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts. "We're here."

I look over to Hunter who is in the drivers seat and Jax next him. I look outside the car window and sigh in relief when I see that we have arrived to Kevin's house.

"Woah." I gasp. I knew Kevin's family had money but this was far from what I was expecting. The sight in front of me was beautiful. I stared in awe out the window as Hunter parks the car.

  The first thing to catch my eyes was the big fountain in the center of the entrance and two cars parked on each side. There were flowers growing on each side of the house making it stand out more. The grey and white exterior to the house and big windows made the whole structure of the house pop out.

  Stepping out of the car, I close the door and make my way to the front door. With Jax and Hunter by my side I didn't  take my eyes off of the fountain.

  Just as I was admiring it I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. "Ready for a swim, Delgado?" Jax's laugh echoes through my ears.

"Jax, stop!" I slap his arms away trying to get out of his grasp. He nears the fountain and picks me up, swinging me around as if to throw me in.

"I'm gonna kill you, Jax put me down!" I yell.

  "Yo, can you guys act civil for once in your life." Hunter's angry voice catches our attention and Jax finally puts me down.

  Slapping Jax's chest I walk away from him and fix my dress. I shake my head in disbelief as Jax comes besides me and smiles.

Right now, I can't seem to find any reason as to why I ever liked that idiot.

- - -

Just as the outside, the inside of the house was beautiful. There was a chandelier hanging high and a spiral staircase as you walked in. I had looked around on my own as Jax and Hunter disappeared into the crowd.

I've seen some kids from my school around that got invited and Kevin was talking to his father and other people by the kitchen. I didn't really know anyone here as it was a business party for Kevin's dad.

Marissa was on her way with Nick so I waited standing alone, swaying my hips side to side to the soft music playing.

Just as I was about to slip my phone out from my purse, I jump when I hear an unfamiliar voice from behind me.

"What's a girl so beautiful like you doing all alone?" Turning around, a tall, handsome guy stood in front of me with a smile on his face.

I let out a nervous chuckle and give him a slight shrug.

"I'm Charlie." He extends his hand.

Shaking his hand, I smile back. "Emma, nice to meet you."

"Pleasures all mine." He says. I couldn't help but notice how strong his accent was. It was obvious he was not from around here.

There's an awkward silence before he finally speaks again and I take the time to take in how attractive he was. His blue eyes and ginger brown hair was appealing and could catch any girls eye.

"So, have you known the Richardson's for a long time?" He says, taking a sip from his drink.

I nod. "I've known Brad's son, Kevin, for two years now. We go to the same high school."

"You don't say," His eyes open wide. "You don't look or act like a high schooler."

I chuckle. "I get that a lot. I guess I act more mature than others my age."

It was clear that Charlie wasn't in high school. He looked to be in his late twenties. He had a stubble beard growing in which made him even more attractive and grown looking.

"What grade are you in?" He asks.

"Just entered my junior year." I say.

Looking behind Charlie, my eyes focus on an angry looking Jax from the corner. He has a glass in hand and a girl to his side, arm wrapped around her. I notice his grip around the glass and if it was any tighter I'm sure it would break.

"Any plans after high school?" Charlie asks.

I shrug, taking my eyes off of Jax. "I have a couple ideas but I'm not sure. I'm constantly changing my mind."

"I know what you mean." He nods. "When I was in high school I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life after I graduated. I went to a local community college and mid way into my sophomore year Brad found me."

"What do you mean by found you?" I ask, curiously.

"Well, Ive been good friends with his wife throughout high school but we fell off and later on Brad was looking for a partner in his business and Carol recommended me. We got in contact and since then we've been working together." He explains.

"That's amazing, you're really lucky." I say. I couldn't hide the fact that I was barely listening to what he was saying. I kept glancing over to Jax and noticed how his eyes wouldn't leave me.

"You'll have the excuse me, love, I just realized I hadn't offered you a drink. How rude of me. I'll be back." Putting his hand on my back, he excuses himself and walks off to get me a drink.

Smiling to myself, I look over at Jax and see him marching over to me with an angry expression.

"What do you think you're doing." He says in a low whisper, standing besides me.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Enjoying myself?"

"Don't play dumb, Emma." I see him shake his head from the corner of my eye. "That guy is like half your age."

"Okay, and you have a girlfriend who you've cheated on and you're about to make it twice with the girl you were with over there." I snap back.

"Mind your business." He spat, now standing in front of me.

"Says the one who stormed over here and got all offensive because I was talking to a guy." I roll my eyes. "You're ridiculous I have a boyfriend, I'm not you."

"Wait till I tell Hunter." He shakes his head.

"Okay and what is he going to do? Warn me about enjoying myself too much? You're in over your head, Jax. I think you've drank enough." I say.

Just as he was going to say something he holds himself back as Charlie appears next to me with two glasses in his hands.

"Am I interrupting?" Charlie looks between us.

I shake my head, taking one of the glasses from him. "He was just leaving."

Glaring at Charlie, Jax backs up and turns away. I see him head to the back of the house and soon enough he's out of my sight.

I can't help but feel my heart clench as I see he's no longer around but I quickly brush it off when Charlie smiles at me.

"Who was that?" He wonders.

"No one." I say in a low voice. "No one important."

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