Jency's P.O.V

"Morning boys I brought breakers"  I smiled as I placed the box of Beignets on the table.

"Morning," they said in unison as they came over to the table.

After the guys got their two Beignets I took one and ate it gingerly as I sipped my tea.

When Freddie suddenly turned to me and said. "How does it feel to wake up without Casey being next to you?".

"Strange but, I'm used to it" I shrugged as I adjusted my jacket.

" I know but I'm sure it feels weird not having him next to you ever since you guys got back together".

"It does, to be honest, but come on the bright side I have extra room to move around at night".

"Well that's a plus" he winked at me.

"What?" I didn't do my head in confusion until I got what he meant. "Oh my god Freddie" I playfully slapped his leg.

"What. You'll never know what might happen".

"Yeah but, I'm not going to do that to him".

After starting another conversation we finally got started on today's agenda which was going through songs that have been already written or writing new ones.

"Okay. What do you get boys?

And they all handed me their papers. Then as we went through the papers there was a huge argument that went on.

" I think my song should be on the album!".

"No, my song should be on the album!".

"No way my song is going on the album!".

"No m-" John was interrupted by me screaming.

"Alright that's enough! It's time to go off by her selves and write songs while I pick these songs since we will never get work done at this rate. Do I make myself clear?".

"Yes ma'am," they said in unison as they looked at me in shock.

"Thank you have at least four hours to complete this task. Now go get out" I waved my hand at them as I sat back down in my seat.

So with that, they left the studio with pen and paper in hand as I continued to come through the papers trying to pick songs that would at least be somewhat said on the album. Did we have a theme for the album? No, no we did not.

I was into about two hours of coming through the songs that the boys wrote I heard the door open and I lifted my head to see Roger walking towards me and making his way to the table and sitting down across from me.

"Done already?".

"Yeah, It took me a little while before I got the ball rolling but once I did I finished before the other boys".

"Okay let me take a look at them" I reached out my hand before Roger put the papers in it. As I scanned through them I thought out loud and it said. "This will be one hell of a chaotic album".

Then not long after that Brian, John, and Freddie entered back into the studio where they showed me all of the songs that they had written but some of them or not completed which was okay because they were given a three-week deadline to write songs.

A/N; hey guys this is just a sample chapter of this new book so please tell me what you think I will publish the rest on May 3 of this year so yeah. Feedback would be very much appreciated

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