Chapter 1

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Here is the first chapter. I'm not sure when I will upload again, hopefully soon. Anyway, thank you all for your support. I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy the new chapter. :)


"Thank you for shopping at Books and Java." I smiled, handing the woman a sack of books. "Please, come again."

"Oh, I will," she said. "My husband says I have an addiction to books."

"It's the best kind of addiction to have," I said. "I have one myself, which is why I own this store."

The woman laughed. "You have a nice evening."

I thanked her and wished her a nice evening in return. As she left, I glanced at my watch. It was almost closing time. I stepped away from the counter and made a quick sweep of the aisles. When I saw there were no customers looking at the books I headed to the back of the store where the coffee counter was located.

"Last customer left about five minutes ago," Carrie informed me, from behind the counter. "There are two chocolate chip scones left. Do you want one?"

"Yes, but I better not," I replied.

Carrie rolled her eyes. "You are skin and bones, boss. You need some meat on your body."

"You take them home," I told her.

"Don't have to tell me twice," she muttered.

I grinned. "I'm going to close up."


After I locked up and changed the sign to closed, I went back to the front counter. While I powered down the computer I took the money from the cash register and put it in a zippered pouch.

At that moment, my cell phone rang. I removed it from the pocket of my skirt and checked the caller ID. It was my mother.

"Hello, Mom," I said, answering.

"Dear, I'm having a little dinner party," she said. "Whatever plans you have cancel them."

I groaned inwardly. When Mom hosted a dinner party it usually meant she was going to try and fix me up with someone. "I'm having dinner with Andrew."

"I'll call your brother and invite him to join us," she said. "Seven o'clock."

"I don't-"

"I have to go, dear. See you soon." She hung up on me before I could say anything.

Sighing heavily, I prayed for strength to get me through dinner.

Andrew met me at the door with a hug. I sank into his embrace and buried my face against his chest. Of my two siblings, he was secretly my favorite. We had similar features, the same shade of hair, which was auburn. His eyes were a bluish green, mine were blue. I was two years older than him at twenty-seven.

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