Intro: Dean and Cas

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Dean was a senior, pitcher for the schools varsity baseball team and know by everyone in town though he sometimes wishes he was just another face in the crowd an people weren't always watching him. He didn't really fit the jock stereotype though. He didn't have a hot girlfriend or any girlfriend for that matter, but he also didn't go around kissing every girl in school. He did date a girl, Cassie for a month but that was it. He was a nice person to everyone, hated crowded parties, and he actually enjoyed singing too even though he would only perform once and a while at Ellen's Eatery, a diner at the edge of town. Dean lived with his brother, Sam, a six feet tall sophomore and honor student, and his adopted family, Jo, Bobby, and Ellen. Jo was also a sophomore, Bobby is an auto repairman who own two shops on opposite parts of the town, and Ellen owns the small diner that almost no one knows about, called Ellen's Eatery. Dean's parents both died when he was young, his mom at age three, and his dad died when Dean was the age ten.

Castiel is a senior at the same school as Dean, Jo, and Sam but only has one class with Dean, seeing that everything Castiel is doing his senior year is AP or "Advanced". Castiel has three brothers, Michael, Lucifer or Luc, an Gabriel or Gab. Castiel's brothers call him Cas. Michael is 25 years old, Luc is a 20 year old college drop out, and Gab is a sophomore and is actually in Sam and Jo's homeroom. Cas is a bookworm but doesn't fit that stereotype either. He doesn't look it but he's strong. He also loves parties, unless they get too crazy that is, and he has an on again off again relationship with a beautiful girl, Meg. Cas's father walked out on him and his brothers leaving Michael to take care of Cas and Gab but not Luc because he an Michael had a fight two years ago and Michael kicked him out and they haven't heard from Luc since.

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