Chapter Five: The Second Date

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Dean and Cas arrived at the top of the hill a little before 6:00. Dean toke the basket out of the car and yelled "Dammit, I forgot a blanket"

"It's okay, I think I got one in the trunk." Cas said. He did and he laid it out close to the edge of the hill. They talked and laughed while they eat the watermelon that was pretty good considering it was out of season. When they finish Cas blurted out "I told my little brother Gab about us! I-I'm sorry. He promised not to tell anyone. I shouldn't have told him..."

"Hey" Dean interrupts "It's fine. My little brother Sam squeezed it out of me too. He saw me out the clothes aside and I wrote out a to-do list for the picnic and he saw me doing this and demanded I give him details about the date and I refused so he pinned me down on my bed and screamed in my face 'Who is she? Tell me! Who is she?' And I kinda snapped and yelled 'It's not even a she it's a he!' Or, something like that and so I decided he might as well here the whole story"

"Wow, that's pretty close to what happened to me. I was happy, daydreaming, and I said I had plans and once Michael left Gab sat me down on the couch and demanded I give him details on the date, which he simply guessed I had, and when I refused to tell him any details he punched my arm and yelled 'Why can't you tell me her name?' and then I snapped and yelled 'It's not even a her!' So I decided he won't stop bothering me until he got the name and story so I told him everything"

"Did he bruise you arm?"

"Maybe, I don't know, he's pretty strong"

"Which arm did he hit?"

"The right one, why?"

"I wanna take a look at it now show me your arm" Cas obediently removed his overcoat and blazer and rolled his slightly past his elbow since he was unable to roll it up any higher then that. Cas had two large black and blue bruises on his arm

"Wow, how long did he punch you?"

"About two, three minutes in mainly just two spots"

"Wow, you held out that long" Dean said impressed by Cas's resistance to tell Gab about them. Dean lightly touched his lips to the bruises and said "All better" then as Dean rolled down Cas's sleeve he realized that Cas seems to be very strong. He was lean but because of the tight shirt Dean could see Cas's muscles and wondered why Cas didn't try to fight back. Once Dean was done rolling down the sleeve Cas asked him "Why did you kiss my bruises?"

"Well... You know when someone you love or might love hurts themselves you kiss the injury and then say 'All better'. How have you not heard of this I'm pretty sure it's a world wide thing and they use it on tv and in books with romance and stuff?"Dean said confuse at what Cas didn't understand

"I know that but I think I would be better if you kissed me on the lips"

"Okay then" Dean said as he leaned in putting one hand is the grass and the other on Cas's face then kissed him. Cas put his hand on Dean's waist and tried to pull him closer like how Dean does but messed up the balance Dean had on his one arm and Dean fell shoulder first onto the floor laughing Dean turned to Cas and Cas put his hands on the floor near Dean's face and one knee on either side of Dean's body then kissed him again strongly and with immense passion for a long time when they finished Cas laid down on the right side of Dean's body and used Dean's chest as a pillow. They were both trying to regain their breath. Dean looked straight up at the sky which was now a dark blue that was slowly filling with stars. Cas on the other hand, was looking at Dean, who's eye were big with wonder and awe, and was smiling a very small smile.

"You know" Dean says still looking at the starry night sky "One of these days I will charge you for staring"

"Go right ahead" Cas said jokingly

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