Chapter Two: Their Own Party

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"Dean!" Castiel yelled in shock and nervously

"Castiel? Wh-what are you doing here?" Dean said in shock as well

"I was invited"

"I mean, what are you doing in Benny's bedroom?"

"I didn't wanna be with the huge groups of drunks downstairs" and I was trying to stop thinking of you Castiel thought but didn't dare say. They both stood there avoiding eye contact but it was established and when it was established there was no breaking it.

"Quit staring at me" Castiel said but he keep his stare

"Why should I?" Dean asked

"It's making me feel uncomfortable"

"Then you stop staring back"

This time Castiel used all his strength to look away and not look back. Castiel sat back down on the bed.

"Do you mind if I ah... sit with you Castiel?" Dean asked

"Sure and just call me Cas"

Dean joined Cas on the bed and they just talked and laughed and smiled for a long time until Cas decided to make a bold move. He kissed Dean. Dean was surprised at first but didn't pull away. Dean closed his eyes, put a hand on Cas's hip and pulled Cas closer to him and the kiss intensified. When they stopped Dean kept his hand on Cas's hip and they pressed their foreheads together in silence until Cas says "You know, that was pretty awesome"

"I know I wasn't really expecting that like, at all" Dean said

"I don't know why I kissed you but I'm glad I did" Cas said with a big smile on his face

"I'm glad you did too" Dean said returning a smile. They sat there I silence until Dean said "I don't know what the hell to do right now" while laughing

"How about this" Cas said following the statement by gently kissing Dean

"That works" Dean said smiling. Dean repositioned himself on the bed and laid down near the edge and patted the bed next to him and said "Wanna lay down?" and instead of answering, Cas laid down next to Dean and looked at him with small smile on his face

"Ya know" Dean said "I might start to charge you for staring at me"

"Well then you may just become rich 'cause you are pretty attractive" Cas said

"I actually don't think I'm handsome, I'm not being modest or shit"

"Well I find you attractive if you haven't guessed so already"

"You're saying we're the same then because no matter what you say I think you're pretty damn hot"

Cas looked at his feet and smiled when he began to blush yet again. Dean grabbed Cas's chin and lifted it to look at him and Dean said quietly "It's true" and gently kissed Cas. Cas held Dean's hand and they looked at the ceiling in silence until Dean said "This shit got serious really fast. I mean, I didn't even know You or that I was gay this morning"

"Neither did I" Cas said still staring at the ceiling while Dean stared at Cas and was smiling

"Maybe I should be the one charging you for staring" Cas said turning his head to look at Dean smiling and Dean says "I don't need to stare. I'll never forget you're smile, you're perfectly messy hair, you're amazing eyes that can render me speechless. You see, I want to stare but I don't need to so you might not get too much money"

Cas could only laugh and he put his hand on Dean's face and kissed him again with passion and Dean put his hand on Cas's waist and once again, pulled him closer. This kiss wasn't short and sweet. This kiss was gentle and intense at the same time. This kiss was long and something they both wanted to savor. This kiss was special. When they finished they only finished to catch their breath. They laid next to each other holding hands and just smiling at each other

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