Chapter Six: Busted

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"What are you talking about?" Cas said now fully awake and nervous

"There was a boy who drove you home, carried a basket, and oh yah, you kissed. Who is he?"

"That's private, and you always make Gab respect our privacy"

"You're the one who kissed him in public, thus opening the floor to this discussion"

"I can't believe you said that. And I'm not discussing this" Cas said before turning to go up the stairs

"Either that, or you can't see him ever again Cas"

"It's Dean Winchester" Cas said angrily over his shoulder before storming to his room. After Cas locked the door he called Dean and told him that Micael said Cas either gave him a name or would be banned from seeing Dean and that Michael might call Ellen and Bobby about the two of them. So Dean decided to tell them first. Dean found Bobby and Ellen talking at the dining room table

"Um... Hey, there's something I need to talk to you about" Dean said from the doorframe of the room

"Okay, come, sit down" Ellen said and Dean obeyed

"Listen, I've um... I've met someone. And this person makes me feel happier then I ever remember feeling"

"Oh really, who is she" a Ellen said now extremely interested

"That's where things get complicated... This person isn't a girl. He's a boy from my school, his name is Castiel Novek"

Bobby was shocked but didn't say anything or have any problem with it. Ellen said "Oh, okay, that's fine Dean, as long as you're happy we're happy, we don't care who it's with. Right Bobby"

"Yah, right" Bobby said "Is this Novek one of those crazy kids that gets drunk every night?"

"No, not at all, our first date, or what we're calling our first date even though it wasn't planned, happened because we were both avoiding all the people drinking downstairs" Dean said hoping to make Cas sound good since Dean didn't really have a good way with words

"Good, does he cut class and shit?" Bobby asked with his arms folded over his chest

"No, he's an honor student, I'm pretty sure almost everything he takes is either AP or Advanced" Dean said nervously hoping not to say anything Bobby might see as bad even though Dean couldn't see bad in Cas

"Okay, how many dates ya been on?"

"Two, last night and tonight"

"Tonight? That's where you went before?"

"Yah, sorry I lied"

"What did you tell Bobby?" Ellen asked Dean, rejoining the conversation

"I told him me and some friends were gonna hang out in town at no place special" Dean said

"And where did you go?" Ellen asked with anger at Dean for lying

"A hill that overlooked town. We had a picnic" Dean said now unable to look either Bobby or Ellen in the eye "Look" Dean blurted out "I really like this guy but I didn't want to tell anyone because I didn't want my friends to find out and... I don't know, stop hanging out with me, or tease me just because I'm gay. I mean, I'm pretty sure I've always been gay, I never found girls that attractive even if everyone called her insanely hot. Anyway I haven't changed. I'm still the same Dean"

"Alright Dean, we know that. We support you" Ellen said as she took Dean's hand in her own

"Thanks, I just wanted to let you know why I didn't tell you last night when I found all this out but I would appreciate if you kept quiet about it" Dean said looking at Ellen, then Bobby

"Ok-" Ellen began to say but was interrupted by the sound of the landline ringing. Ellen picked up the phone and said "Hello?"

"Yes is this Dean Winchester's mother?" Dean heard the man on the other side of this call say

"Yes, who is this?" Ellen asked giving Dean a death glare

"This is Michael Novek, Castiel Novek's older brother and legal guardian"

"Is there a problem?"

"I believe my brother is dating your son"

"Yes, that's what Dean told me. Now why did you call?"

"My brother isn't gay, he can't be, he's had a long-term girlfriend and homosexuality is a sin and my brother doesn't sin."

"Well if he isn't gay then why is he dating my son?"

"I don't know but please tell Dean that I am ending their relationship"

"Now hold up pal, only Dean or Castiel can make that call, not you!"

"I'm ending their relationship and that's final" Michael yelled

"No you're not! My son really likes your brother and you don't have the power to end it. You may not like it but you cannot end it" Ellen then angrily hung up the phone looked at Dean empathetically and said "I don't think Castiel has the same approval me and Bobby are giving you. Actually, I don't think he has approval period"

"I know, I heard the whole call" Dean said standing and walking up to Ellen "Thank you for fighting for a relationship that you only heard about only a second before the call and aren't a part of" Dean said hugging her

"It was more of fighting for your happiness. All I want for you in life is happiness" Ellen said in Dean's ear. Dean squeezed her tighter with a sad smile on his face

"Thank you guys for everything. I love you. Both of you" Dean said releasing Ellen from his grip "Um, I just wanted to let you know that Sam knows about me an Castiel but Jo doesn't and I'd like it to stay that way"

"Okay honey" Ellen said sitting back down at the table.

"Thanks, Jo would probably try to make me her gay best friend" Dean said before leaving the room.

At the Novek house, right after Cas stormed upstairs and to his room, Cas sat on the bed and thought about what head just happened after calling Dean. What did I do? I could have just ruined my happiness. Michael doesn't approve. What if Bobby and Ellen don't approve either? What if we have to break up? I can't do that... I-I can't... I love him. Then, Gab burst through the door, even though it was locked, and said "What did you do?" with chocolate in his mouth

"I kissed Dean and Michael saw" Cas said from the bed, with his head in his hands

"What? Dude are you kidding me!" Gab yelled at his brother

"I wish"

"So now wh-"

"I'm ending their relationship and that's final!" the brothers heard Michael yell. Cas could only stare at the door with shock and horror on his now pale face. Gab sat down next to his heartbroken brother and said "I'm sorry bro. It will be okay, I promise"

"It won't be okay!" Cas yelled, standing up and facing her brother "How will this be okay? Michael just ended the only happiness I've hade since Mom died!"

Gab stared past Cas to the doorway. Cas turned to see what Gab was looking at and saw Michael walking away and going downstairs

"I'm going for a drive!" Michael yelled up to his brothers before leaving the house. Cas stood frozen, looking at the empty doorway

"What's gonna happen now?" Gab said, now standing next to his brother. Cas didn't respond. He couldn't.

"Cas, even though he doesn't approve he knows it makes you happy so maybe he'll take it back, be supportive or something" Gab said trying o give his brother hope

"Maybe" Cas said after a moment with no emotion

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