Prologue: Annabelle meets Adam as a young child

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* In the forest of Pigeon Creek, Indiana the year of 1818*
~Annabelle Smith's POV~

It all started when my family was still alive and happy, Sophia was on the pier helping Abe with his work while I was with Mama helping our slaves

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It all started when my family was still alive and happy, Sophia was on the pier helping Abe with his work while I was with Mama helping our slaves. I was so happy when Mama and Papa told me that someday I'll meet my true love Sophia my twin sister was just like me promising to stay by each other's side forever, Abe, Sophia, and I were around the same ages but Sophia and I were twins so we are the same age. Problems arose at the pier that the Lincoln's and our parents were working on to pay off their debt to a man named Jack Barts suspicious man he was.
That man made me sick to my stomach so Mama looked at me and said"Annabelle can you fetch the box for bandaging please it's at the house," then I looked at Mama as she was smiling at me wearing her favorite dress as I nodded and left to get the box for bandaging up wounds. So I decided to take the path through the woods to our house it was nice.
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~Sophia Smith's POV~

As Annabelle went to fetch something from the house for Mama I was fixing the fishing lines to catch more fish

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As Annabelle went to fetch something from the house for Mama I was fixing the fishing lines to catch more fish. When suddenly I cut myself when Abe and Will were being whipped by one of Bart's men, our fathers had to step in to save Abe and Will, when Jack Bart's had come out to talk with my Father and Abe's Father. I was scared then a man came from behind me and held me in place, then Mama gasped and begged for the man to let me go.
My family and Abe's parents looked at as Jack Bart's and Mr. Lincoln had a chat.
Bart's: "Did you hit one of my men,"
Mr. Lincoln: " He was beating my boy,"
Bart's: "Yes, but did you strike him Lincoln,"
It was terrible my arms were hurting and Annabelle wasn't back yet she should've been back by now as well also.
~Abraham Lincoln's POV~
I can't believe that man he was threatening my father and Annabelle and Sophia's father about paying their debts. Just because I helped Will from getting whipped, then again Will and I were getting whipped together as well also. But I'm grateful for Annabelle and Sophia's rescue and helping me with the injuries I had, then I heard Mama looking at Bart's and said"Till every man is free, we are all slaves," then Bart's looked at my Mama and Mrs. Smith and said"Alright, Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Smith there are other ways to pay a debt," then with that we all left to our respective houses.
*Meanwhile in the woods with Annabelle after she grabs the box for her mother*
~Annabelle Smith's POV~
I've finally found the box that Mama needed to fix up Will also I can see my twin once again, but as I walked through the woods I bumped into a tall man whose eyes could just enslave you. I then being a young child said"Oh, I'm so sorry sir I wasn't watching where I was going," then the man I ran into was older he seemed to be in his early 20's as Mama would put it. Then the man helped me up and held my right hand and said"What is your name Little Miss," I looked into his pale colored eyes and said"I'm Annabelle Smith I'm the same age as the Lincoln's only son along with my sister," so the man introduced himself as "Adam" a name that can give you shivers. He let me leave but something about him seemed just off.
Afterwards I ran to the pier where Mama and Papa was at with the Lincoln's and Sophia only to see Mama protecting Sophia but she was being restrained by one of Bart's henchmen. I got to the pier and pushed the man off of my twin and hugged her while Mr. Bart's, Papa, and Mr. Lincoln were talking about something Mama hugged us Sophia and I and said"Are you girls alright," then my sister and I nodded our head suddenly Mrs. Lincoln said" Till every man is free, we are all slaves," the look that Bart's gave Mama and Mrs. Lincoln was a sickening look on his face.
Mama and Papa:

Did I also mention that my family is a rich family so we lived in a big estate, then as such happened Sophia helped Abe and Will up off the ground she's so sweet and innocent and so was I Mama and Papa always told us both "Never give up on what yo...

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Did I also mention that my family is a rich family so we lived in a big estate, then as such happened Sophia helped Abe and Will up off the ground she's so sweet and innocent and so was I Mama and Papa always told us both "Never give up on what you think is right for our country, if you love someone and they love you for who you are then be with that person," then after remembering that Mr. Bart's said" Alright Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Smith their are other ways to pay a debt," then we all left back to our respective houses.
*Late that night at the Lincoln and Smith's house/ estate that night*
- At the Lincoln's house that night-
~Nobody's POV~
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were asleep that night after a long day as for young Abraham Lincoln he stayed up writing in his journal, then the young boy heard his door open and saw a shadow and he blew out the candle and stayed quiet. So then he moved the carpet a bit to see in between the boards where he saw his parents asleep then he saw Jack Bart's admiring his mother's arm but things went silent as the boy looked for him then he saw Jack Bart's looking at him he gasped before going to bed. Not knowing what happened to his mother.
-At the Smith's family estate that same night-
~Nobody's POV~
That night at the Smith's Estate everyone was asleep Sophia and Annabelle had their own rooms and was asleep dreaming away while their parents Kathia and Charles left a letter for their daughters they managed to write 20 letters for them incase something was to happen. Before the two of them fell asleep in their bed in each other's arm. That night as Kathia and Charles were asleep Jack Bart's came that night and bit Kathia's arm leaving a mark of death before vanishing into the night.
*The next morning at both homes with both families*
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From then on Abe's father joined his mother later in death 8 years later as for Annabelle and Sophia's father he wrote his will out for girls leaving them everything that their family had from generation to generation, and then suffering from grief and pain Charles Smith joined his beloved wife in death 4 years before Abe's father died. And since that day Annabelle, Sophia, and Abe swore to kill the one who killed their mother seeking revenge.
*End of Prologue: Annabelle meets Adam as a young child*

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