During the year of 1818 was one the worst days why because I suffered so much I lost my parents now there's just me and my twin sister Annabelle, our family were close to the Lincoln family so naturally we Annabelle and I grew up playing with Abraha...
*Many years later in Indiana at the Smith Estate one morning* ~Sophia Smith's POV~ I woke up to the sound of my maid Delia opening up my curtains it's been years since our parents death now it's just Annabelle and I to look after one another. So I was still in bed having breakfast I looked at the clock in my room and it read"9:00 a.m." then Annabelle was taking a bath whilst I got dressed for the morning to take my morning walk. Once I got dressed into my outfit, I grabbed my parasol and walked off with my purse in my hand as I took a walk through the woods that morning. Outfit above: ~Annabelle Smith's POV~ I was currently taking a bath Sophia is on her walk as usual every morning we're in 20 years old and single. If only their was such a man that can take care of me and Sophia, but I tend to not think about this every now and then. After I take a bath I'm gonna sort out letters and papers in our new offices before helping our servants clean up and cook lunch. Pic of Lady Annabelle Smith:
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* Meanwhile on Sophia's walk that morning in the woods on a lovely day* ~Sophia Smith's POV ~ While I was taking a walk in the woods by myself I wanted to find a man that can take care of me and a man who can care for Annabelle even though we're twins. Annabelle and I haven't seen Abe since our parents died that was years ago, so then as I was walking through the woods I decided to sing a song that I wrote myself but not realizing that someone was watching me sing as I walked through the woods. The song was called"Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" it's a beautiful song it's about how Annabelle and I wanted our parents here still. Sophia: You were once My one companion You were all That mattered You were once A friend and father Then my world Was shattered (Sophia walking down a long trail) Wishing you were Somehow here again Wishing you were Somehow near Sometimes it seemed If I just dreamed Somehow you would Be here Wishing I could Hear your voice again (Footsteps following her) Knowing that I Never would Dreaming of you Won't help me to do All that you dreamed I could Passing bells And sculpted angels Cold and monumental (Sophia stopping under a big huge tree with a bench) Seem for you The wrong companions You were warm and gentle Too many years Fighting back tears Why can't the past Just die? (Sophia falls to the ground on her knees singing) Wishing you were Somehow here again Knowing we must Say goodbye Try to forgive Teach me to live Give me the strength To try No more memories No more silent tears No more gazing across The wasted years Help me say Goodbye After singing I was in front of my parents graves I was on my knees kneeling before the steps to reach the gates of their graves. Sophia at her parents graves:
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Not like this day could get any better now could it, as I laid the roses at the foot of the gates I heard a voice it was a man's voice and he said"Now what is a beautiful lady such as yourself doing out here," then I turned around and saw a handsome man my age wearing sunglasses and he asked me a question as I said"Oh, I'm just visiting my parents graves sir please forgive me allow me to introduce myself I'm Lady Sophia Smith," then the man took my hand and kissed it as he said"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance m'lady I'm Henry Sturges and your on my side of my family's property," I need to leave now and have lunch Annabelle must be worried about me I apologized to Mr. Sturges before running off. ~Henry Sturges's POV~ As I took a walk through my family's woods as usual, I heard a woman singing a song so I decided to follow her voice it was nothing like my wife's singing Evanna had a beautiful voice but this wasn't her. But I want her as my wife soon as possible, this young lady was human but she will always belong to me but I know her name Sophia Smith a rich family. While I was in hiding from Adam and Vadoma's spies and Adam and Vadoma themselves I hid in my estate, but I needed to know if Sophia will be alright of course she has a personality that is different from Evanna. *At the Smith's Mansion at around luncheon with the two sisters that noon* ~Annabelle Smith's POV~
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While having luncheon with Sophia she just got back from her morning stroll and we're about to have luncheon together as the two sat down having our meal our servants brought us our mail that came this morning. Ever since we were kids the two of us still haven't forgotten about how our parents died after Mrs. Lincoln passed away from a vampire bite, so then as I opened one letter that I had no knowledge of having from a mysterious person male from what I can tell. Sophia and Annabelle at lunch:
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~Nobody's POV~ Later on that night the two sisters had gone to bed after preparing for their day tomorrow morning guests will be arriving for a small get together with their parents friends. But that night when Sophia and Annabelle had gone to bed from a distance in the forest Henry and Adam watched as their lovers from so long ago had gone to bed in their separate bedchambers. It's been a long night for both young ladies to manage a huge estate on their own. *End of Chapter 1: Sophia goes on a walk and meets Henry Sturges*