During the year of 1818 was one the worst days why because I suffered so much I lost my parents now there's just me and my twin sister Annabelle, our family were close to the Lincoln family so naturally we Annabelle and I grew up playing with Abraha...
*At Washington D.C. a few months later of December 1863 at the White House* ~Sophia Smith's POV~
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It's been a few months since Abe was elected for president our 16th president of America one that people in future will remember for a long time to come, so then I took a walk with Henry in the gardens of the White House as Mary and Abe discusses the vampire business and how they are killing the soldiers in the North with no mercy. My darling sister Annie is on her way to see Adam the head of these rogue vampires as such Henry and I have spent a lot of time together and have gotten very well aquatinted and I suspect he might propose to me and we can be together forever I love him. ~Annabelle Smith's POV~
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It's been a few months since Abe was elected for president our 16th president of America one that people in future will remember for a long time to come, so then I took a walk with Henry in the gardens of the White House as Mary and Abe discusses the vampire business and how they are killing the soldiers in the North with no mercy. I will be riding for 3 days on my way South to Louisiana and see Adam again he's gone to far this time. But not until Sophia and I finish our little talk about if Henry will propose to her or not sometime soon perhaps while I'm gone he and my sister shall be engaged at last. After our talk I said my goodbye to Sophia and Henry as well as Mary and Abraham then I saddled up and rode to see Adam. ~Henry Sturges's POV~
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