Alex (Imagine)

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   Being grounded for a week by my parents and suspended for four days by my school for calling one of my teachers a "bitchy asshole" to her face, was definitely not one of my finest moments. But it happened and now I get three days off so I guess it kinda worked out anyway.

My parents were obviously mad that I insulted a teacher like that but I could tell they wanted to laugh because they knew it was true. That teacher is a bitchy asshole.

It's been two days after the incident and my parents have lighten up about the whole thing, but I'm still grounded.

   Unfortunately in addition to my grounding, I was unable to see my boyfriend Alex.

   "Can I just sneak in your window?" Alex asked through my phone. Although I can't actually see him in person, my parents didn't take my phone away so thankfully I can still talk to him.

   I chuckled and rolled my eyes even thought he couldn't see, "and how would you manage that? My window is tiny as all hell," I reminded him.

   The line went silent for a few seconds, "just let me try. I'll see you in ten," he stated and hung up the phone.

   I looked at the time and it was almost one AM, meaning my parents would for sure be asleep by now.

   Luckily my bedroom was in the basement so Alex wouldn't have to climb up several feet to get to my room. Once he got to my house I opened my room window and stood back giving him room to squeeze himself through the small window.

Surprisingly enough Alex made it through the window and then pulled a plastic grocery bag in with him, "I brought food!" He grinned at me from ear to ear, holding up the extremely filled grocery bag.

   "What did I do to deserve you?" I smiled shaking my head.

   Alex put the bag of food on the small couch beside my bed and walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist, "I haven't seen you in forever!" He exaggerated and there his hands up in the air.

   I chuckled and placed a kiss on his lips, "you saw me two days ago ya goof."

   "Two days too long babe," he stated. I yawned and buried my face in his chest, "are you tired?"

I nodded, grabbed his hand and pulled him over to my bed. He lay next to me and put my blankets over top of us, "can you bring the food over here?" I mumbled tiredly.

Alex rose his eyebrow at me but passed me the bag anyway. He switched on my tv and put Netflix on as I searched through the bag. I pulled out sweet chilli heat Doritos, which are my favourite things in the world, and ripped open the bag letting the sweet and spicy smell fill my nose.

Alex decided to put Shameless on. I munched on my Doritos while Alex ate some gummy bears.

I think I made it through three episodes before I started to drift off to sleep. I felt Alex sit up for a moment and then lay back down. I looked over at him and noticed he had thrown his shirt on my floor, leaving him in just his track pants.

I snuggled up to him before drifting off to sleep.


   The next morning I woke up to quiet voices murmuring amongst themselves in my room.

   I kept my eyes closed, making it look like I was still asleep so I could hear what they were saying

   "Honey! Our daughter is laying in bed with her boyfriend who is shirtless! How did he even get in here!?" I heard my dad panic.

   Then I heard my mothers voice, "Y/D/N, you need to calm down. Just because he's shirtless doesn't mean they did anything," she told my dad. "Y/N is fully clothed right now."

   My dad huffed out a frustrated sigh, "that doesn't mean anything! And that still doesn't answer how the hell he got in here in the first place!"

   "We will just talk to her once she wakes up ok?" My mom offered.

   "I'm already awake," I mumbled rubbing my eyes tiredly.

   I stood up, careful not to wake up my boyfriend who was sleeping peacefully on his side.

   I walked over to the corner of my room where my parents were, "what?"

   "Why is Alex in your bed?" My father interrogated

   "He wanted to sleep over and I wanted to see him?" I said as more of a question considering how obvious the answer was.

   "You're grounded!" My mother reminded me. I rolled my eyes, "how on earth did he even get in the house without us hearing?"

   I quickly made up a lie so Alex could continue to sneak through the window, "it was like one in the morning so you were sleeping and didn't hear him come through the front door."

   My mom and Dad looked at me suspiciously and did say anything for a few moments, "I can't believe you Y/N. Sneaking a boy into our house!" My Dad grumbled angrily and stormed upstairs

   My mom shook her head at me and waited for my dad to get all the way upstairs before speaking, "we are not happy with you young lady," she told me. She walked halfway up the stairs and then turned around to face me, "your father leaves for work in fifteen minutes. After he leaves tell Alex he can stay for breakfast!" My mom said happily.

   I laughed knowing my mum used to do what I just did when she was my age. She used to tell me stories about how she used to have her boyfriend sneak in the house when her parents were home too.

   I walked back over to my bed and crawled back in beside Alex. He blinked a few times and then woke up, "my mom said you could stay for breakfast once my dad leaves for work."

   He smirked at me, "I heard. I was just pretending to be asleep cause I didn't want your dad to whoop my ass," he chuckled quietly.

   "You are a sneaking little fucker aren't you?"

   He scoffed, "said the one who snuck me through her window last night." He winked playfully.

   "Touché," I agreed. After I said that Alex leaned in to try to kiss me but I backed away, "morning breath!" I said disgusted.

   "Y/NNNNNNNN....." Alex whines like a little kid.

   "Not until you brush your teeth babe," I told him hold my hand out on his chest to keep him from trying to kiss me.

   He sighed, "fine." He grabbed his shirt off of the floor and put it back on. Just as he was about to stand up he leaned over swiftly, and before I had time to stop him he placed a quick kiss on my lips and then pulled away.

I groaned, "I hate you so much Alex Standall."

"Mhmm suurree, you love me Y/F/N Y/L/N," he corrected, and then shoved his hand in the bag of Doritos from last night.

"Sadly," I whispered under my breath.

"What was that?" Alex perked up. My eyes widened as I saw him jump on top of me and then started tickling me. "Say you love me!" He demanded through my loud laughter.

I continued to laugh, trying to catch my breath at the same time, "I-I love y-you! I-I love you!" I giggled.

"Breakfast is ready guys!" My mom called from upstairs.

Alex jumped off of me and we raced up the stairs to the food.

School ends in two weeks and the amount of assignments I have due this week is fucking unbelievable. Like fuck my life I already give up.

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