Group Chat

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Clay: has anyone seen Y/N today? She hasn't been answering any of my texts. I need the notes from history class.

Zachy: ask Scott he would know

Scotty: just because I'm her boyfriend doesn't mean I fucking know where she is.

Clay: alright something happened between you two because you're never like this when it comes to Y/N

Blondie (Alex): Scott you're a fucking asshole

Zachy: why what did he do?

Clay: and how do you know?

Blondie: well 1) because she's my best friend and tells me everything and 2) Scott decided to tell Y/N that she was being clingy and annoying when she asked him to hangout after not seeing him for a week because of baseball and homework. And then because of that she went to hangout with Jeff and Scott called her a cheating bitch.

Zachy: are you fucking kidding me Scott?

Clay: that's really low dude, what's the matter with you?

Scotty: look I didn't think she was going to be that hurt about it. She's just being over dramatic. I've just been stressed about this whole thing about Bryce and the clubhouse and the whole baseball players are rapists shit.

Blondie: like I said before, you're an asshole Scott.

Justin: Jess is going over to check on her right now. Apparently Y/N has been reading these texts and called her crying. Nice one Scotty boy.

Atkins: I hope you know Y/N and I were hanging out because she was trying to ask for my help to plan something fun and relaxing for you because she knew how stressed you have been. She figured she'd come to me because I know you the best.

Scotty: you guys are making me feel like shit now

Jess: good because Y/N feels a hundred times worse.

Clay: is she ok?

Jess: no she's balling her eyes out and I'm pretty positive she's gone threw two boxes of tissues and two small tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Oh also Scott, she said she's thinking of breaking up with you because she thinks that you hate her.

Zachy: great. So even though Scott's the one being an ass Y/N thinks shes the problem. Yeah you fucked up big time Scott.

Scotty: can I come see her?

Jess: I don't know Scott. You really hurt her.

Scotty: please. I just wanna see my girlfriend and apologize. Y/N means the world to me and I didn't mean any of what I said I'm just super stressed out and tired of everything Bryce is doing.

Jess: you're gonna need to tell her that yourself so you better get your ass over here and make things right.

*******twenty minutes later**********

Blondie: how's it going?

Clay: please tell me everything is ok...

Jess: they're ok. Scott apologized for a good ten minutes.

Zachy: oh thank god, my favourite couple couldn't break up or I'd be so upset

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Zachy: oh thank god, my favourite couple couldn't break up or I'd be so upset

Blondie: I'm happy for you two but I swear to god Scott if you pull some shit like that again I'll beat your ass.

Scotty: noted. Also Y/N says hi she just doesn't want to text right now.

Blondie: hi best friend

Zachy: yo what's up Y/N

Clay: still waiting for those history notes

I had some time to do a small update so I thought I would write something quickly!
I still won't be doing full imagines until June 25th!

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