Chap. 8

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Something had appeared to have gone wrong with Hajime, however small, however large. It didn't happen all at once, and at first, you didn't even notice it happening. It was slow, steady, yet it was happening.

Hajime Hinata was losing his mind.

There would be no more waking up together, no more dashes to school so neither of you would be late, no more [Name] and Hajime. No more outings, no more talking, no more even seeing him.

Hajime was gone.

You would never see him, he'd stay locked away inside his room, not even bothering to reply when you would knock on his door and ask if he wanted to talk, ask if he wanted to come out, ask if he would stop worrying you.

You first played it off as him going through a phase, he'd probably run into some kids at school who didn't like him. Then you tried to laugh it off as Hajime going through an emo phase, laughable as it is. Then you stopped laughing. Stopped everything at all.

Only God knew what was wrong with him, as Hajime had begun playing with him.

You pulled your bag to the reserve course one bitter Wednesday morning, opening your mouth to complain about the weather, but falling short when you realised there was nobody to talk to. A dull taste stung the back of your throat, tears pricking your eyes as you held a hand over your mouth and started coughing violently.

To be alone was a repulsive feeling.

Komaeda Nagito was the first person to notice your change, from bright and cheery to dull and dreary, your eyes lacking the same sparkle that once lay in them. There were many attempts by your classmates to cheer you up, but what was the point?

You didn't live with these people, you didn't lay awake at night worrying about these people.

Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head-


Chisa Yukizome's voice brought you back to reality that bitter Wednesday morning, lightly tapping on your desk to grab your attention. The class was empty-

Wait, the class was empty-

You frantically glanced at the clock, a quiet gasp leaving your mouth when you saw the day had finished. You had been here barely minutes, what had even happened? Chisa's hand on your shoulder stopped you from dashing back home, making you let out a yell of frustration. You had to get home, you had to see Hajime, you had to-

"[Name], slow down. Calm down." Her voice was quiet, yet there all the same. How long had it been since you'd heard a voice that wasn't your own echoing your apartment...?

"I-I am calm, please, just let me go home." You bitterly fought against her grip and tried to leave the classroom, although she wouldn't let go. It made you lose your temper, yelling blue murder about how you had to leave, how you had to check on Hajime-

A harsh slap resonated throughout that room, and holding a hand to your stinging cheek, you realised that Chisa had slapped you. She started scolding you about your behaviour, your actions and your demeanour, how you had worried everyone over the past few weeks.

And soon all of your troubles slipped from your mouth as if you had no lips to hold them back, trembling and sobbing once you were done. At this rate, your tongue was going to turn black and rot, you had told her so many private things that should've stayed between you and Hajime. Who were you to tell her about Hajime's problems, your problems, your feelings?

An awful person you were indeed.


Chisa had walked you home to the crossroads that lead up to your apartment, sighing once she could finally see the building. She said she had to go and do her own detective work, leaving you stood in the pouring rain by yourself with your eyes glued to the floor.

You stood at the stop lights, watching cars race past and skim the water on the road, letting it splash up onto your clothes. You just stared forlornly at your clothes, trying to find a reason to get angry and to feel some kind of emotion-


Finally, the cars stopped so you could cross the road but you stayed glued to the spot, blinking at the floor. The drivers started honking their horns in annoyance at the fact you wouldn't move.

You were losing your mind, what was going on with you...?

Suddenly, a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you across the road followed by a light sigh that left their mouth. It was so familiar that you moved so much faster than you ever had in your life to look at the person. It was Haj-

Nagito Komaeda. It was Nagito Komaeda.

And you were delusional.

"Why've you resorted to stalking me now? Leave me alone." You spat in annoyance, suddenly angry, "You follow me enough at school, fuck off."

"Ahah, sticks and stones, [Name]-chan!" Nagito only laughed, letting go of your wrist as he took in your appearance. You looked like a drowned rat, bedraggled and sleep deprived, "Yukizome asked if I could walk you home."

How humiliating.

"I don't need you to walk me home, stop treating me like I'm an incapable child!" You stormed off and left Nagito stood helplessly, watching your figure slam the door closed of your apartment block.

You slipped going up the stairs since you were soaked, ending up hitting your head on the handrail and falling back down to the bottom. You held back a cry and just held a hand to your forehead, stumbling back up the stairs and holding onto the handrail this time.

Five more flights.

There were so many thoughts buzzing around in your head, the throbbing of the bump almost non-existent. Why did everything have to turn out like this?

Four more flights.

Why did Hajime always have to occupy your thoughts? Why did he have to ruin everything about your day? Why would he never give you a break?

Three more flights.

You were sick of worrying. Sick and tired of being treated like shit by Hajime, like you were some kind of feral animal that didn't deserve to even be looked at.

Two more flights.

You were sick and tired of being treated like glass at the academy, sick and tired of everyone having to take turns to look after you as if you were some kind of child.

One more flight.

What was the point in any of this?

Now the door.

You fumbled for your keys in your bag, trying to find them past all of the notebooks you had, lost sheet music, candy wrappers and-

The door opened on its own, making you jump back and recoil in shock. You messily pushed your bangs back because you could barely see, letting the water slide down your face, mixing in with tears when you saw who had opened the door.



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