Chapter 10 - Waking Up

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Harry hadn't left the hospital for days; he slept at Louis' bedside with his hand held tightly in his own. He spoke to Louis all the time, hoping Louis would talk back. But his remained silent. Every now and then Harry'd squeeze Louis' hand, dreaming Louis would squeeze back. But that never happened either.

Just as he was stroking Louis' cheek softly, Liam enetered with two cups of tea in his hands. He closed the door and walked over to Harry, placing a cup on the table.

"Thanks," Harry mumbled, eyes focused on his boyfriend.

"No problem," Liam replied, sitting on the chair beside Harry. "Any luck yet?"

Harry shook his head, a tear crawling down his cheek. "I don't get it. Why hasn't he woken up yet, Liam?"

"You heard what the doctor said," Liam sighed, taking a sip from his cup. "He'll wake up when he's ready to. It could be a while yet, Haz ..."

Harry groaned. "But I want him awake now."

"You have to give him time," said Liam.

"But I ..." he trailed off when he felt a hand tug his finger. His head snapped round to Louis, who's eyes were slowly fluttering open. Louis gave him a small smile and that's when more tears poured out of Harry.

"Louis," he cried, stroking his cheek. "You're awake."

Louis nodded.

"I'll go tell the others," Liam said, setting his cup down on the table before running out.

But something wasn't right. When Harry leant down to kiss Louis on the lips, Louis stopped him, giving him a funny look. Harry was confused, just as much as Louis was.

"What you doing?" Louis asked. He didn't sound angry, just confused.

Harry looked embarrassed. "I just - well, I-"

Louis cut across him. "Where's Eleanor?" He looked round the room, disappointed to see no sign of his fake girlfriend.

"I didn't think you'd what her here," Harry muttered.

"What makes you think that?" Louis croaked. "She's my girlfriend, Harry. I love her. Of course I would've wanted her here."

Harry was lost for words at Louis' sudden statement.

Pretending From The Start, Larry Stylinson Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now