Chapter 4: Last Chance

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The third and final day is here and breakfast is in five minutes. I stand at the door waiting for Steph to finish up in the bathroom. My muscles ache from the two long days of hardcore competition... I make a pathetic attempt to stretch my stiff legs, but end up groaning in pain instead. I have to pull it together. Cracking my back, I glance at the time. Just as I am about to call for Steph to hurry up she emerges and we head down for breakfast.

I gulp up the yogurt and muesli, ignoring the fact that I don't have an appetite. I need to give myself the best chance possible and that includes fuelling myself for the tiring day.

"Today, you three better bring your A-game, because I am not going home without a single member of my team making it to tryouts. It's unheard of!" Audrey rambles on and on, but I block her out. Today is about Olympia and I.

About half an hour later, we are yet again getting our horses ready. Olympia is more fidgety than usual while I tack her up, swishing her tail and attempting to nip at me more than a couple times. She doesn't like being kept in a stall for so long, although the days have been tiring for her as well. She's a wild horse at heart and always will be. With some soothing and treats, she settles. I'm so relieved today is cross country, it's more speed based and Olympia loves it. She obviously has more than enough energy for today's round, the question is will I be able to hold her back long enough to get her over the jumps?

This time Olympia is tacked up and ready to go early so I take my time getting myself ready, making sure my medical armband is attached tightly. The thought of it sort of used to freak me out. I mean, in what other sport do you have to go around wearing your blood type and other medical information strapped to your arm just incase something goes wrong.

I take my time calming Olympia down in the warm up ring, walking and trotting her through various circles and trying to get her attention on me. Her bay coat glistens in the sunshine. I can't help admiring how well her orange saddle pad and bell boots match together, it's much more fun doing cross country since everything doesn't have to be so proper.

Before I take my place at the starting line, Audrey walks up to me.

"This is the final event so if you have something to prove, it's your last chance." At times like these I find a bit of comfort in Audrey's strange way of encouragement. Her voice softens a bit as she continues. "You know your horse, handle the situation as you feel best. You two could be an unbeatable team, you just have to be better than the rest of them. Now go out there and win like your life depended on it."

With that, Audrey leaves and I shorten my reins ready for the sound of the buzzer to go off. Olympia and I have worked so hard. We want this, and we are not about to go down without a fight. My eyes narrow as I stare down towards the first jump in the distance.

"Alright my superstar, you ready?" I move the stirrups to the very balls of my feet, securing my legs in place. Olympia snorts in response, and I know she's itching to go, I can barely keep her still. I take a deep breath. "We can do this."

The buzzer sounds and I release the slight pressure off the reins and my seat. Olympia charges forward at a gallop and I silently thank my ex-gymnast abs for keeping my balance. The sound of her hoofbeats with the wind blowing in my face makes adrenaline shoot through me and I completely forget about my aching muscles.

The first jump gets closer and closer. I desperately start to slow Olympia so we can clear it with control. She fights the bit and lifts her head in annoyance. I shorten the reins and pull back a little harder, sitting deep into the saddle. Please Olympia, please slow down.

As if she was reading my mind, she slows down to a somewhat controlled canter, but not without an annoyed flick of her tail. Three two one and up! We clear the assortment of logs with ease. The next jump is one made of bushes surrounded by colourful flowers. I half halt, and half halt again. Olympia is strong with her head and my arms start to burn from the attempt to keep her under control.

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