Chapter 8: More to Prove

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"Fix that line!" Ms. Nicholson instructs as I watch Julie canter towards a red-white vertical. She half halts and pushes Jazzy to the centre of the jump. Her chestnut tail swishes.

"Good." Ms. Nicholson calls as her eyes follow them over the course. The jumps aren't high. Maybe 60-70 cm. Just a warm up to practice hunter jumping.

"Alina, you're up."

I realise that my muscles are tense and I force my shoulders down. Relax, I tell myself. The course runs through my head on a loop. I signal Olympia to canter. We look smart in our matching navy saddle pad and polo shirt. I cluck under my breath while circling her.

I squeeze my fingers around the reins, half halting. Controlling my breathing, I count the strides towards the first jump. Her hooves drum a steady beat. I can feel the power in Olympia's muscles as she pops over the jump with ease. I do my best to keep her calm and quiet. She tosses her head and I stay gentle with my arms, strong with my seat and mind. 

"Line!" Ms. Nicholson reminds me as I turn. I angle Olympia toward the centre and sit deep before we fly over the green-white cross pole. I signal for a lead change and Olympia gives me a half-hearted one so I have to push her towards the next jump. Half halt, and over. Breathe. We fly over the yellow oxer, take five strides and leap over the blue-white vertical. Olympia wants to speed up but I hold her back. Not about speed, it's about style. Breathe. I clench my muscles tight to keep my jumping position still. We loop to the last jump and I let Olympia take a couple faster strides before we clear it with precision.

"Very good Alina." Ms. Nicholson nods and writes something onto the clipboard. I smile. I can see the approving look behind her eyes.

Patting Olympia, I join the line of riders waiting for their turn as Hannah begins to canter Storm towards the first jump.

"Not bad Briar." My head snaps towards Sienna. She raises an eyebrow. "If you were a beginner riding a mule," She smirks and a couple riders laugh around her. I recognise two of them Jaxon and Kayla. They're good riders. But are they as good as me? I guess we'll find out at the first elimination.

I'm more annoyed than hurt by their pathetic attempt to psych me out, so I smile.

"Thanks... you're welcome to go tell Ms. Nicholson that."

She falls silent and turns to whisper with her group of minions. I stare at her long dark hair in a perfect french plait. It contrasts with her pink polo shirt.

"Ignore her." Julie snorts in disgust.

"I know." I reply, patting Olympia on the shoulder, she flicks her ears. "We know, don't we girl." I whisper for her ears only. We've dealt with lots of people like her. 

"Julie's right, you did amazing." Alex says and Cilia nods in agreement. Even though I don't need their help in dealing with idiots like Sienna, it's sort of nice to have it there.



I get off Olympia. "Good girl!" I praise her, running my fingers through her black mane before walking out. On the way to her stall, Julie catches up with me.

"Hey, a couple of us are getting together to groom the horses outside. You wanna come?"

I think of saying no. I should say no. But instead I say "Sure."

It will do Olympia good to be around other horses for a while and who knows, it might do me some good to be around people too.

I tie Olympia next to Cilia's horse James Bond, or Bondi, as we call him. Bondi is a calm light bay gelding, a bit bigger than Olympia. Alex, Rosie, Ana, Noah, Allan and of course Julie have their horses tied up already. The horses fade into a rainbow of browns, greys, and other colours.

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