Chapter 1

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I have always love to take photos of nature. There is just something about the peace and tranquility of nature that draws me in. I love how the colors of nature contrast one another and how well everything work together. All the elements fit in with one another. I wish life was like this. Everyone just minding their own business.No need to pick fights about silly things. We waste so much time worrying about the most insignificant things. When we should be rather focusing on more important things like our families and friends.

"Marie, please come can you please come here?"

Goodbye nature, see you soon.

"Hi mom, you called?"

"Yes, dear. Are you all packed? We have to leave soon."

"Mom, can we not stay a little longer? You said that you would talk to dad. I do not want to leave so soon."

" I am sorry honey, I tried but your father has a lot of work that he needs to get done before the semester starts again."

"Oh , come on mom , we all know just how much Marie loves high school"

Meet my idiotic brother Michael. He loves high school, himself and girls. I am telling you, the amount of hours he spends in the gym. One is suppose to expect him to look like Hulk. He loves to irritate me. He always loves to get the last word in. He also knows that I would rather be any other place on earth than high school. My nickname is "nature girl" because of the amount of time, I like to spend in nature, taking photos and for my lack of social skills. I have two friends, Stella and Jade. They get me, unlike my parents. I really wanted to be home schooled because that way I can spend time on my photography and avoid making awkward conversations with people I am probably not going to see after high school.

Anyways, we are currently on what my parents like to call "family bonding time" or otherwise known as holiday. Every year we go on holiday to the same spot. My parents have a beautiful lake house at lake Tahoe in California. We live in Stowe, Vermont. It is a very small town with a population of about 4 400 people. Not a lot right. I have always been happy to live there. I am not one of those girls with dreams of moving to the big city. During our holidays, me and my brother like to drive to Los Angeles from time to time to get away from our parents. We have always been a tight knit family for as long as I can remember. I really cherish our time together as a family. My brother finished high school so he is going the UC Berkeley after summer break.

I really do not want our time together here as a family to end but I really miss my best friend. I haven't seen her in ages. Her family went to England over the holidays. I cannot wait to catch up with her and show her all my amazing photos. She has always like my work and she wants me to showcase it to the world. I am not really to show my photos to the world. My photos is my way of communicating and also a way of showing my feelings. I am not ready to share that part of me with the rest of the world.

"Everybody ready to go?"

"Yeah dad, I am about ready to get out of here."

"Okay, Mr overeager..."

"Haha, you are  funny, you know that right sis?" 

He says that and than he messes up my hair. I am not one of those girls who care more about my hair than anything else but I do like to look presentable from time to time. I am so going to get him back for this.

"Okay, let's go."

With that we close the door of our lake house and lock away our memories made there forever. Or at least until we return. 

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