Chapter 7

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The rest of the school day went by quite quickly and before I knew it, it was over.


"Yes, finally the monster released us from his clutches."

"Stella, really? I thought that you like school."

" With the emphasis on 'thought' my friend."

"Hey, how was your ladies' day?" Jade asked.

"One word. Horrible.I haven't imagine that school can torture you in so many ways. All that subjects and then maths. This is going to be a long, long year." Stella overemphasized.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad. It was okay for me. I survived my first senior day without my brother."

"Good for you. Have Aaron talked to you again?" Stella asked.

"Why would he do that? I saw him at lunch and he only smiled and waved."

"At least he waved, Johnny didn't give me as much as a glance." Stella said very disappointingly.

"Still crushing on Johnny?" Jade asked.

"Who?" Stella replied.

Meet Johnny Patterson. He is Stella's crush. She has been crushing on him ever since he moved here. He is the soccer captain and a senior student. He is also student body president and has no time for Stella. She tried everything to get his attention, but he isn't even a little bit interested. Stella says that this is the year that he will finally notice her. She also said that about the previous two years. She does not give up easily.

"Stella, he does not even acknowledge your existence."

"Soon Jade, soon."

" I will hold you to that. Are we going to meet up later at our place?" Jade inquired.

"I think that can be arranged."

"Yes, I am in desperate need of some 'gcuatn' time." Stella answered.

"Some what?" Me and Jade both asked.

"Girls catching up and talking nonsense time." Stella clarified.

"Why, didn't you just say that?" Jade asked.

"It would have been so much easier."

"It wouldn't have sound so cool." Stella announced.

"Of course, not Stella but it would have made sense at least." Jade replied.

"Whatever." Stella Said

"See you ladies later, Ryan is waiting for me." Jade announced as she was leaving.

Jade is the only one of us with a existing love life. She and Ryan have been dating since middle school. The perfect romance. The perfect couple. Ryan is a footballer and he also plays tennis. He is also very smart and plays music instruments. He is the perfect boyfriend. They are definitely #couplegoals.

"Let's just get out of here. I am so upset over Johnny." Stella moaned.

"Stella, you sure know how to pick them."

"Shut up." Stella rebutted.

We made our way to Stella's car and just when we were about to get in...

"Hey, Marie. I am glad I caught you just in time. Hey, Stella." Aaron said.

"Oh so you do know, I exist?" Stella asked.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked.

"Talking to me."

"Come on Marie, we are over that." Aaron announced.

"Fine. What do you want?"

"I wanted to know if you are up for a party." Aaron inquired.

"A party, I am so there.!!" Stella answered.

"What kind of party?"

"It is kind of like a birthday slash beginning of the year party." Aaron clarified.

"Who's birthday?"

"Marie!!" Stella screamed.

"Wow, you are inquisitive." Aaron said.


"Mine. It is my party. It is actually my birthday on Saturday but I will be out of town so I am throwing my party on Friday. Also it is invite only, I don't want a bunch of random people showing up." Aaron finally clarified.


"So are you coming? You too Stella and you can bring Jade along as well." Aaron went on.

"Sure, why not..."

"Awesome. Don't forget your camera." He said as he left.

There he goes, again. That guy's ability to  just show up in my life and disappear amazes me.

"I wanna party and..." Stella started singing.

"Stella, not that song."

"Fine. It's his party and we are invited, gonna be a good time." Stella went on.

"I haven't actually been to a party yet. Not a high school party."

"Don't worry Virgin Marie, I will gladly help you to look smashing hot so that he can't keep his eyes off of you." Stella announced.

"Thank you very much Stella the Great. I will try to return the favor."

"Oh, please. Johnny wouldn't notice me even if I am naked." Stella moaned.

"Sure about that?" Johnny asked.

Johnny is actually here. Stella is in for it now.


Stella is frozen and her mouth is going open and close like she is biting air bubbles.

"See you around then, Stella." Johnny said as he turned around.

Johnny then leaves just as fast as he came. He only spoke two sentences. He definitely knows that Stella exists.

"He spoke to me?" Stella asked.

"Yes, he did and you just stared at him like he was about to get eaten up alive. It was freaky. Girl you got it bad."

"I just ruined any chance I ever had. Great, you are such an idiot. Stella May Woods." Stella said.

We then got into the car and all that Stella could think about was her one opportunity she had to talk to Johnny and she made a complete fool of herself. Love makes people do stupid things.

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