Chapter 35

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What goes through one's head when they lose someone? How do you feel? Right now, I am feeling an immense amount of sadness. I cannot describe the feeling. I would not wish this feeling on my worst enemy. All I wanted was a chance at love, at life with someone. Now that was all taken away from me. How could he do this to me...

The moment I was released from hospital and we arrived home, I ran up the stairs, filled with so much pain. I practically almost ripped my door from its hinges and took down every photo of us together. Now I am currently sitting among a heap of stolen memories. I am only realizing now that all the time we spent together was borrowed time. I wish, I could have had more time with him.

Knock, knock,knock...


"Marie, honey. Are you in there?"


After a few tries, my mom decided to give up and leave me to my thoughts.


"I cannot believe that he is dead."

"Aaron was such a lovely person."

"His future  was bright!"

"Such a cruel fate."

Of course, every person had to say their two cents about Aaron's death. Most of them did not even know him. I am not sure that I did either. I stopped at his locker and it was filled with so many sentiments and sympathy, it made me sick! No, it made me angry! Yes, angry indeed!

"Marie! Stop!"

"Marie, please! Stop doing that!"

"Let me go!"

"They did not know him! They cannot possibly feel what I am feeling!"

"Each one of us, deals with pain differently!"

"Pain? No, that is not what I am feeling. I do not know what I am feeling. I cannot feel anything. Nothing makes sense anymore." After that Stella and Jade just held me, while I broke down into a million little pieces. I felt broken. Irreparably, broken...

"Attention, everyone. This is your principal speaking. We are all mourning the death of Mr Aaron Sykes. He was a valuable asset to our school and one of the best quarterbacks to have ever graced these halls. His service will be held on Friday at 12:00 at the Saint Germane Chapel. We will now bow our heads in silence as a sign of respect for our loss"


The rest of the week went by in a blurr. For me it mostly consisted of crying and silence. I became a shell of a person. My parents became worried for me.

"Marie, you need to eat something. You look awfully pale and you are losing too much weight. Aaron would have wanted to take care of yourself."

"I cannot eat. How can I sit here and eat while, he is lying in some mortuary. I feel sick that I get to live and that he was not that lucky. He was sooo young! It is not fair! Mom, it is not!"

"I know honey. Life is not fair sometimes but we need to pick up our heads and deal with whatever life serves us."

"I loved him so much. I hurt him by cheating and now he is gone. How do I go on?"

"I do not have all the answers but what I do know is that you are a strong person. You will get through this. Now, please eat something."

My mom gave me a kiss on the head and then left the kitchen. My dad was nowhere to be found as usual and Mike went back to university. Everyone dealt with his death differently. His parents decided to get a divorce because Annielynn deserved better. Stella and Johnny reconciled and Jade and the rest all offered their condolences. Jarred stopped playing football altogether as a sign of respect to his fallen brother.

Tomorrow is his service and I am not sure that I am up for it. How do you say bye to a loved one? How do you bury them and then just walk away? 


I am feeling so sick right now. I tried eating but it would not stay down. Today it is Aaron's funeral and his parents asked me to say a few words. What is there that I can say to describe what he has meant to me? I have no words, no thoughts, no ideas but I do have photos, lots and lots of photos...


Hi my lovelies! I am back. This story will be coming to an end soon. I am planning two more chapters and an epilogue. I hope that you guys found this chapter to be quite touching. I know many of you are angry at me for killing off Aaron but you will see that it had to be done in order to move forward with the story. I will be writing a spin-off based on Stella and Johnny's story.

Please do not forget to like, comment and vote on my story.

Later, lovelies!


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